Chapter 6

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I continued acting as my actual self but I still tried hard in school, this was the one school that I have actually enjoyed and I don't want to leave. Malfoy still annoyed me whenever he could but I've actually grown to enjoy our bickerings. They may fill up time but boy are they amusing, especially because I always win. Another reason I'm still working hard in school is because I want to beat Malfoy, he's in all my classes and I take joy in seeing his face when I remain the student of the week in all my classes every, single, week. Though I still lost some of my friends, I lost Ron and Neville and I would have lost Gin and Mione but they were dating my BFFFs so they had to get used to me so we were able to stay friends. So for the entire break all I really did was draw and talk with friends so it was a good break if I say so myself, and I do. But just as soon as the break started, it ended with a snap of Merlin's holy fingers.

Another thing happened that I didn't expect to happen, I actually became friends with one of the professors! Crazy right? Just wait until I tell you who it is. It's the one and only, Professor Snape! He's actually a great person once you get to know him, he's actually some sort of father figure for me, making sure everything is going okay in school, and get this, he is a gossip QUEE-EN!! He tells me everything that's happening around the castle, apparently Moaning Myrtle has been trying to seduce Pottah ever since second year!

Also, everyone knew not to mess with me, if I didn't mess you up, Snape would do something about it so I was left alone, except Malfoy, he was still allowed to annoy me since Snape is his godfather. But seriously, Snape and I connected at a multiverse level, we understood each other and what the other person went through, I had a horrible father, and his father died when he was young. (I don't actually know if that's true so just pretend it is.)

"Hey Professor!" I said strolling into Professor Snape's room.

"Hello Larson." He said, but I could tell he was in his own world, his eyes stayed on a parchment on his desk and I saw them darting across the page over and over again.

"Is everything okay?" I asked, walking up to his desk.

"Oh, everything is quite fine." He said finally looking up, and what I saw shocked me, he was smirking with an evil look in his eyes.

"Okay, any news? Has Moaning Myrtle finally been able to convince Pottah?" I said laughing, he chuckled at that. (I DON'T CARE IF THE REAL SNAPE WOULDN'T BE LIKE THIS!! I CHOSE HIM TO BE LIKE THIS!!)

"No, but I do have news. Come close, I hear that Dumbledore and Minerva have been meeting outside of school." I gasp.

"No way!" I start laughing.

"WAY!!!" By this point we were both laughing. People started coming in but that didn't stop us, and they didn't look surprised, they saw this a lot lately and just sat down. "Everyone take out a paper and quill and write what's on the board." Everyone did as he said and I went to sit down at my seat. "Today we will be doing a partner project, and I will be assigning the partners so listen close;

Harry Potter and Cedric Diggory

Pansy Parkinson and Luna Lovegood

Ginny Weasley and Blaise Zabini

Hermione Granger and Seamus Finnigan

Ronald Weasley and Dean Thomas

Theodore Nott and Neville Longbottom

Draco Malfoy and Y/n Larson"

I looked at Snape and saw he was looking at me with a smirk, I was so going to talk to him about this later.

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