Chapter 5

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I woke up and did what I actually wanted to do, I put on a small black top with dark ripped jeans and black boots. I put dark blue eyeshadow on and a black wing. I left the bathroom.

"How do I look?" I asked Moon.

"Like you." I laughed at that. It was a Sunday so we didn't have to wear our uniform. We left our room and the entire common room gasped at how I looked, they had never seen me wear dark clothes or have dark makeup on. I rolled my eyes.

"What are you looking at bitches?" They immediately stopped looking at me and started talking between themselves. "Ugh, this is gonna be a long week." I said to Moon and she nodded her head, we left the Ravenclaw common room and walked out into the halls and I was once again surrounded by gasps. I rolled my eyes again and ignored them, walking to breakfast. As soon as I walked in I felt all eyes land on me, I saw almost everyone taking second glances as if they didn't believe it was actually me.

"Stop fucking looking at me, it's rude." They all looked away except for Malfoy and my friends, Malfoy was smirking and my friends had their mouths and eyes wide open with their eyebrows practically touching the ceiling. "What? Have you never seen someone in a black shirt before?" I asked my friends walking up to them and sitting down. They stayed silent and I rolled my eyes, "quiet down will ya?" I asked, annoyed.

"We're sorry we've just never seen you in such dark colors." Mione explained.

"Well stop gawking at me, it's not like you've never seen me before."

"Why are you so rude?" Ron asked.

"Why am I acting like myself? Is that a real question?" I sneered at Ron. He glared at me.

Friend count: -1

"Great, it's been five minutes and I've already lost a friend, that's a new record." I rolled my eyes and got up, leaving the Great Hall for the painting room where I met my Paint Mixing teacher.

"What are you doing here on this fine morning Miss Larson?" Professor Snape asked.

"I got dared to act like my real self and now I've already lost one of my friends, so I came here to calm down." I said, grabbing a paint brush.

"Do you come here often?"

"Very often, it's been a place to escape from everyone and just be me without judgment, I mean, what are paints and brushes gonna say about my attitude?" I laughed slightly.

"That's good, you found a way to stay calm, you found a secluded place where you can be alone. I come here for the same reason." "May I ask what caused you to lose your friend?"

"Yeah, so last night one of my friends dared me to act like my actual self, no faking, no holding back for a week. So instead of the cheerful kind person who was always willing to help anyone in need, they saw a rude teenager that got annoyed easily. Ron, the friend I was talking about, asked me why I was being so rude and I told him that asking me why I acted like myself was a stupid question and he stopped talking to me."

"Yeah but that Weasley kid has always been a dense pig, you shouldn't take what he says to heart." I looked up at Snape in surprise, he'd never tried to comfort anyone before.

"No offense but why are you trying to comfort me? I thought you hated me."

"I don't hate anyone, I'm just a tough teacher. But I'm like that for a reason, people always try to take the shortcut out of things but I've made it so that they can't, I've made it so that they actually work hard so that they can succeed later in life. Y/n you are my best student, you are always volunteering in class and helping the students, I already knew that you didn't enjoy it, but you were still willing to do it. That shows maturity and responsibility that I rarely see in kids your age anymore. I knew who you were and what you were like as soon as you came into my class on the first day of school, I could see it in your eyes that you've seen things and gone through things. I knew you were a Slytherin as soon as I met you, you are probably the most cunning person I've ever met. If I may ask, how long have you put up a front?"

"Almost eleven years now, ever since I was five years old."

"That just proves my point even more, you were a child put into tough situations and you pulled through, you were able to hide from your own parents and friends for almost eleven years, that shows ambition. I just want you to know that as long as you stay true to yourself and get back up when you fall down, you will accomplish great things in life." With that last sentence Professor Snape left the room leaving me alone with my thoughts. I needed to get back to the Great Hall. I ran out of the room and into the Great Hall making my way back to the table.

"What are you doing here Larson?" Carrothead spat at me. I didn't care.

"I just want you to know that I know that I'm rude, I know that I curse, I know that I get pissed off real easily, but that's me. If you don't like it then you can leave because that is who I am, and I'm not going to change my entire fucking personality for you Carrothead. So why don't you get off your high horse and realize that I'm still the person you know, I'm just different." I could tell that made him think, I saw Professor Snape out of the corner of my eyes and saw him smirking. I headed to the headmaster's office and walked in, "Headmaster Dumbledore? I would like to retake the test." He handed me a paper and quill and I retook the test right there, actually answering correctly this time. We both headed back to the Great Hall.

"Everyone, I have an announcement to make, Y/n Larson is not in Ravenclaw anymore. She is now joining Slytherin!" Slytherin cheered, they saw how I'd been acting recently and knew it was how I actually was so they were proud to have me in their house. I walked over to Pans and Blay.

"Who knew you were such a badass Y/n?" Pans asked.

"Luna and a couple friends back home; Wren and Bear."

"So tell us about the real Y/n Larson." I explained my life and what happened that caused me to be like this. I continued talking until the end of breakfast and we headed to Hogsmeade for the day.

Hogsmeade in this story is just like the Hogsmeade in the books/movies except without all the magic stuff.

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