Mary Sue #1

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Scene 1 (Beginning of October)

Andy and Maya talk about Carinas nightmares about miscarage in the lockerroom

Andy: Hey Maya, how are you doing?

Maya: I'm good. I guess Carina is having a hard time, so i don't sleep well either.

Andy: Is something wrong with her Pregancy?

Maya: No. But she is so scared. She knows all the things that can be wrong with babys and now she thinks every possible thing will happen. She has really bad nighmares and panikattacs

Andy: And you don't know what to do?

Maya: Yes, I don't know. I feel so unprepared.

Andy:You aren't unprepared. Maya Bishop Queen of the Clipboard. I'm sure you have like a hundred to do lists.

Maya: Yeah.

Andy: See. You can do that. When is the due date?

Maya sighs: April 14th. She is nearly at 4 months now.

Andy: Talk to her. And let know you are there for her and that she doesn't need to OB herself. Aslong as the baby is happy. Its gonna be fine.

Maya: Right. Hey, Where is Kathy?

Andy: She has a first aid course this morning she'll join us at noon.

Maya: Cool.

Scene 2

Kathy stands in the Sub. She listens to music. Music (Hold me while you wait).

Crash. Everyone tobbles over.

Everyone gets up. What was that?

A women is in pain. Kathy goes to her.

Kathy: Are you hurt? Whats your name?

Eliza: Eliza, No I'm in labour. I'm on the way to the Hospital.

Kathy:I'm Kathy Oh. Is there anything i can do for you?

Eliza: No not really. I just really Ah ow. Ow.

Kathy: Sounds like you are quite close?

Eliza: Yeah. I need to get to the hospital.

Kathy yells: Is there a doctor or a nurse or something in this train?

Noone answers.

Speaker: Because of technical defects our train has hit another train. There is no immediat danger, no worrys. This however will take sometime, we are very sorry.

Kathy: Damn.

Eliza: No. No. I need to get to the Hospital.

Kathy diles Andys Number

Kathy: Andy? I need your help. I am in one of the collisoned subs and i have a labouring mom, she seems to be very far.

Andy: Okay. Kathy, have you asked for medical personal in the train?

Kathy: Did. Noone.

Andy: Ask again.

Kathy: Any medical personal on this train?

Waits nothing.

Andy: Okay. Wait a minute.

Kathy: Andy? ( To herself) Good. Okay. Everone scoot over.

She clears the end of the train part.

Yes. Thank you. Oh you. (Points at a woman with wet hair.) Have you been swimming?

Woman nods.

Kathy: Good. I need your towels.

She helps Eliza over to the end of the train part. The woman gives her the towels.

Kathy puts one on the ground and Eliza sits down.

Andy: Kathy, are you there? I got Carina. Luckily she hadn't left the station yet.

Kathy: Oh thank god. I have two towels i put one on the floor, what do i do now?

Carina: Okay. Calm down. If you're calm the momma is calm. Okay. Good. Now ask for consent to take of the mommas pants and shoes. Try to cover her or ask a few people to shield.

Kathy: I need to take you tights and shoes of okay?

Eliza nods.

Kathy yells: You come hold her hand and your guys points at afew teen girls come here stand here turn around and shield her a little. Now!

Everyone follows.

Eliza screams.

Kathy takes of her pants and shoes and desifects her hands with desinfactant from her bag.

Kathy: Okay. I did. Oh my god. I think i can see the head.

Carina: Good. Tell the momma to push when she feels the next contraction. Be carefull to hold the babys head.

Kathy: Okay. Eliza, you need to push at your next contraction. Ready okay.

Eliza pushes

Kathy: Good, Good. Good. Breathe.

Kathy: The heads out.

Carina: Hold it, check the neck for the umbilical chord. With the next push try to rotate the baby to have one shoulder come out first and then the other.

Kathy: Okay.

Eliza screams and pushes

Kathy: Good. Good.

The baby is out.

Kathy: Its a girl.

Eliza crys and smiles. Kathy wraps her in her scarf

Carina: Is she crying?

Kathy: No, wait. (She patts her back and rubs her)

Baby crys.

Carina: Oh. nice. Now wrap her and give her to the momma.

Kathy does so and Eliza crys Kathy drapes Elizas cloak around them and sitz next to her.

Andy: Kathy. You did amazing. Carina and Maya are on their way down to you. They'll be there in a minute or two. Are you okay?

Kathy all on adrenalin: Yeah. I'm amazing.

The door is opened up and Travis Ruiz Carina and Maya get in.

They get Eliza and the baby on a carrier. Maya comes over to Kathy.

Maya: You know you were a heroine today.

Kathy: Now that the Adrenalin is gone it doesn't feel so good.

Maya: Are you hurt?

Kathy: I think i sickled my foot.

Maya: Let me see.

She takes of kathys shoe and sock, she gasps. The ankle is swolen and blue.

Maya: That doesn't look good.

Kathy: I didn't feel it at all.

Maya: Adrenalyn is powerfull. Can you step on it?

Kathy trys. Kinda works. She groans in pain tough.

Maya:Here lean on me, Lets get you out.

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