I would be a mean writer

22 1 0

Season finale

Second to last episode ( Early April)

Something happens and then this.

Scene 1
Shifts over

Maya: Come on. Our shift was over half an hour ago. I'll take you home.

Carina: Maya wait. I have forgot something upstair

Maya: Go get it quick.

Kathy: I am so tired.

Maya: Oh ja. I am, too.

Scene 2:

Carina goes upstairs and gets her scarf. She stops and puts a hand on her belly.

Carina groans.

She breaths through the contraction. And then looks at her watch.

Scene 3

Carina comes back.

Carina: Sorry Pregancy brain.

Maya: I love you regardless.

Carina: You have no choice.

Kathy yawns.

Maya: Comon. Lets go home.

Scene 5

It is raining pretty heavily.

Maya: Oh i hate rain.

Carina: I think it is the perfect weather to sit inside with a blanket and a hot beverage and a book.

Maya: Yeah. Thats true.

Carina gasps.

Maya: Whats wrong.

Carina: Oh. That hurt.

Maya: Are you having contractions?

Carina: Mhm. I'm pretty sure. 15 Minutes apart

Maya: Should we turn around, go to the Hospital.

Carina: No no no. I'm hours away from delivering. I am good. I want to go home, where its warm and comfortable.

Maya: Okay. Okay. Fine.

They drive.

Maya: oh no. The road is blocked. We need to go the other way.

Carina: Its not much longer.

Maya: Kathy? Are you already asleep?

Kathy sleepy: No.

Carina laughs.

Maya drives and the out of nowhere something hits them and she tries to dug away. But drives into the sidewall of an Overdrive.


An: you know, i would love to put in the meanest cliffhangers😅

If i had a part in Station 19 Where stories live. Discover now