CHAPTER 19: 寒い (Samui) Cold

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The stars flickered; curiosity built in each girl who sat around the portal. The girl starred at each other in awe, as fear wandered around them. Each brittle sound coming from a house beside them made their fears grow, and their hands shake erratically. The energy of the night did not ease the tension between each person but crossed an X between each person's bond with one another. Kaede sat beside Akatami, while Hajisamasu sat beside Wieon. Ayame stood around them, right in front of the portal in the middle of the Lost Soul Village. 

''How do we start the sacrifice...?'' Ayame said, looking at her arm covered in blood and Cylon bites, turning her head over to her right arm to see nothing but a slimily red arm, reminding her of her traumatic blood line. 

Hajisamasu looked at her, then she stood up. Hajisamasu stood right next to Ayame, who glared at her in disgust. Hajisamasu turned around, looking at Kaede, Akatami and Wieon. ''Has anyone told her yet?'' She said, her voice brittle but loud. Akatami shook her head, turning her head slightly to face Ayame's.

 ''Tell her.'' Akatami said, who voice sneering with hatred and disgust. ''An acquaintance I never thought I'd work with. again'' Hajisamasu said, her voice low and brittle as she starred Ayame into her eyes. 

''An acquaintance?'' Ayame said, her voice filled with rage, but the rage could not show. 

''You are acquaintance, a brat who...'' Hajisamasu said, turning her face away from Ayame, who's eyes began to water.

 Kaede couldn't help but watch, as she could see Ayame breaking, word by word. ''You are the reason Tokyo is in danger, and if we do not sacrifice you, then...'' Hajisamasu said, ''Tokyo will be doomed.'' Hajisamasu said, turning her attention to the women aside her.

 ''I can't be...'' Ayame said, holding back the pain, with each word her heat broke, scarring deeper and deeper.

 The look in her own mother's eyes told her the truth, that Ayame wasn't only a burden to the world, but the cause and key to all destruction. 

''What would happen if it was never that found out about Rujinjaro Academy...'' Ayame whispered, the lump in her throat making it unbearable for her to speak. ''Then it would be in someone else's hands, like hers.'' Hajisamasu said, turning her head to Wieon, and pointing her finger directly at her.

 ''Stop it woman you've said enough.'' Akatami snapped, quickly raising up. Wieon's eyes showed plenty of fear. ''I don't think I should hold the truth back, because I shouldn't.'' Hajisamasu said. 

''I don't give a --'' Akatami said, her voice becoming loud and obnoxious. 

''Please, quiet down.'' Kaede said, ''you'll awake them.'' Akatami quickly shut her mouth. ''Good advice.'' Akatami said, turning around and sitting next to Wieon. Hajisamasu turned her head back to Ayame.

 ''So, you really are my mother...'' Ayame said, her voice cracked, and she could barely speak the words she spoke. 

The thought of Eiko being a better mother then Hajisamasu, made her feel worse. Ayame's eyes poured, running down her cheeks. 

''You weak little girl.'' Hajisamasu said, but Ayame only looked into her eyes. Ayame was finally broken, and all of her emotions were gone. The wind began to push the tree's harder in the distance, causing whooshing sounds outside. 

''Everyone, on the count of three.'' Hajisamasu said, ''We will chant Abolir'' An ancient word used in the 15th century by French and Latin to describe Abolishment. Abolir can also be used to grow, magnify and manifest something to come to an end.

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