Chapter 25: Fukui

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Ayame had exited the train. She turned her head side to side, looking around at all the trees across from her. The small trail right beneath her feet leading into the forest scared her. The forest was dark, and it was getting dimmer and dimmer outside. The sun was almost down, and she has little time left. Ayame knew they'd be waiting, so she quickly began to run down the path. A few minutes of running, it was the fastest she'd ever ran. A small grey SUV was in the distance, and she was getting closer and closer to it. 

''GUYS!'' She yelled. She could see Akatami, turn her head quickly to face her. She put her finger in front of her lips. Everyone in the car was looking out the window, right at Ayame.

 Once Ayame got to the car, she opened the door. ''Hey guys.'' Ayame said, sitting next to Kaede. Kaede looked scared. Wieon had also looked scared, but her eyes were watering.

 ''What happened?'' Ayame asked. Kaede hugged her. ''We are sorry.'' Kaede whispered in her ear. Eiko was in the front seat, sitting next to Akatami.

 Eiko did not speak, and Akatami seemed to be comforting her. Ryongi was the second person to speak. ''Ayame, did you want me to take you to the portal to finish the sacrifice?'' He whispered. Ayame's eyes turned small, she shook her head.

 She couldn't even keep her eyes off Eiko who was weeping, but she didn't know why. ''Mom.'' Ayame said. Eiko did not respond. 

''MOM.'' Ayame said again, this time her voice loud. ''Yes...'' Eiko said, her voice faint. She did not turn her head or show any emotion.

 ''I want you to take me to the portal.'' Ayame said. Eiko did not respond, but Akatami snapped at her. ''She cannot take you to the portal. I am the only person who will be able to do that.'' Akatami said, her attitude growing.

 Ayame turned her head as Kaede hugged her. ''I'll do it myself.'' Ayame whispered. Kaede whispered, ''You have no idea how to do it, don't be silly.'' Ayame looked at her., without a response. Akatami had pulled away from Eiko. 

''Let's go Ayame, Kaede... and Wieon. All of them had jumped out of the car as quick as they could. Time for Ayame was running out, and everyone knew.

 ''We are here.'' Akatami whispered. Wieon nodded her head, she seemed frightened by the memories that flashed before her eyes as they walked through the gate and down the path leading to the portal.

 They walked slow, and no one made a comment on how dirty and different it looked. ''It seems they've been renovating their forest.'' Kaede whispered. Akatami nodded, as they got closer to the portal. Ayame's eyes were wide, the portal was open and ready. The portal was blue and glowed brightly.

 ''Are you ready?'' Akatami whispered, turning to Ayame. Ayame nodded her head, knowing deep inside that she wasn't ready. Kaede's eyes turned small, and so did Wieon's.

 ''What do I need to do?'' Ayame questioned, turning her head to the portal as her heart pounded and mind wandered with thoughts. Was it really the end for her? Ayame thought. Wieon backed away, blocking her face from view. She began to cry. Akatami turned her head to Wieon, but looked away quickly, turning her head back to Ayame who stood in front of her as she gazed at the portal. 

''You will stand in front of the portal, just like last time. But this time we will chant a new song.'' Akatami whispered.

 ''I should've brought Ryongi... We may need his help. Akatami thought. Kaede looked concerned but wasn't showing it. 

''Do we need him?'' Kaede whispered. Akatami shook her head. ''No... This will work with three of us.'' Akatami reassured.

 Kaede nodded. Ayame walked towards the portal, hesitantly. ''Hurry.'' Akatami rushed her. Wieon had quickly came, standing beside Kaede who watched in horror. It was finally time. Akatami had yelled, ''Hurry, come here... Time is running out.'' Akatami said, looking at her watch, but then glancing back at Wieon and Kaede who quickly hurried over.

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