Chapter Twenty-Three: The: I Never Want To See You Ever Again

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Warnings- short chapter, angst, cliffhanger slight time skip.

Oh boy, okay that's it.



"I'm sorry, Mariposa. I really fucking am. But you can't do this to me." Miguel breathes out, tears in his eyes.

He's on his knees, begging me for forgiveness. His hands are pleading desperately, digging tight into my palms, his fingernails cutting skin, prickling blood.

I force my head to turn away as my eyes swell with tears. "You need to leave. I have nothing to say to you besides that we are done." My voice shook as I whispered, and my heart ached with my next line. "I never want to see you ever again."

His hands wrap around my waist, hugging me so tight. I might lose air in my lungs. "Por favor, no." He cries into my stomach. (Please)

I've never heard him cry before. Nor have I ever seen him this vulnerable either. It breaks my heart. But not as much, as when I cried in his arms many nights before. Crying over, when I first opened up to him.


"Mariposa? I figured you'd be asleep, especially after that last round." He smirked as his hands snaked around my waist. He kisses my bare shoulder but stops when he hears soft cries.

"Baby, why are you crying? Did I hurt you?" He says concern, rolling me over to lay on his chest.

I lightly shake my head. "No. You didn't."

He swipes his thumb under my eye. "Then why are you crying? Are you still upset about your dad and Antonia?" He said softly.

My head shakes once again. "No. Well not really. I'm not upset that they're together but I just don't understand love sometimes."

"What do you mean?"

"The way he still talks about my mom. There's still love there. I can feel it."

"Well, that's understandable. They have been together since high school. You can still admire someone even if you're no longer with them."

"If that's true then why did he do what he did? I'm just trying to wrap my head around the fact that he cheated but yet he still talks about her as if he is still in love with her?" He pulls his hand away and stays silent.

"Why did he do that to us? Were we not enough? Why was she, not enough for him to stay at home? What about me? Was I not enough? Did I do something?"

His facial expression changes. "What? Of course, you didn't!"

"Then why Miguel? Tell me why?" I sob.

He pulls me into his chest and caresses my hair. "Sssh, it's okay, Mariposa. It's okay." I dig my nails into his skin as I cry harder.

"I'm here for you. I'm always here for you."

"Promise me, you'll never hurt me that way."

"Never. How could I ever cheat on you? You're my fucking everything."

I lift my head. "I am?"

"Claro." (Of course.)

I believe Miguel's words. I'm his everything and he is mine.

"I promise, mariposa."

"I promise, too," I whisper.


"Miguel, you have to let go. You can't be here." I try to pull away but I'm no match for his strength.

"Please, don't say that. It kills me. I know I fucked up bad. I should have told you. And I wanted to. You have to believe me. I wanted to come clean to you, multiple times."

"How can I believe you, Miguel? Especially now?" I look at him and grip his chin. "You broke trust. I don't know if I can trust you ever again. I don't know if I can give you my heart again." I let go and breathed out harshly. "And, I don't know if I want to."

"You don't love me anymore?"

"I do... but not right now and within time. I'll stop loving you completely because I'm moving on." I took advantage of that he dropped his hands because he heard what he didn't want to hear.

I step back. "You're a cheater. You hurt people. And, I stay away from people like that."

"I'm not all people."

"You will be." I wipe my tears angrily. "Goodbye Miguel. Leave me and Jeremy alone."

I turn and walk away. "Y/N, please don't go!"



I gasp loudly with widened eyes. Sweat drips from my forehead. Jeremy comes to my side with a bed tray. "Hey, you're awake. Did you have a good dream?"

Fuck, it was all a dream. Or should I say a nightmare?

I slowly, nod, trying my best to fake a smile. "Yeah."

He sets the tray on the nightstand. "Blueberry pancakes, a side of fruit, and a fresh glass of OJ." He smiled.

"Wow, your mom made that? It looks delicious."

"Hey, I made it, not her. She left for work this morning."

"Oh sorry." I now smile sheepishly. "Did you tell her I said thank you for letting me stay here for a week?"

"Yeah, she knows and she's okay if you need more time. You can stay as long as you need to."

"Thanks, Jer, but I think it's time for me to go. I've been here long enough." I chuckle.

"What? No, a week is not that long."

"It sounds like someone doesn't want me to go." I grin.

He rubs the back of his head and chuckles nervously. "It's just I like your company. I like waking up next to you."

I couldn't help but blush at his words. "My mom's already going to kill me. Even more, if I don't call her back sooner." I laugh.

"She doesn't know you're here and neither does your dad. They think Syd is covering for you." I didn't ask Jeremy to lie. He took the initiative and told my dad he hadn't seen me when he called him when I ran away.

"I know but still, we both knew this was just temporary."

He sits right next to me and places his hand on my lap. "Just the living situation or?"

Okay, confession time... I may or may have not made out with Jeremy the past few nights. And before you guys fucking judge me... Eh, I got nothing. Judge away. I don't give a fuck.

I don't regret it.

At night, I miss Miguel the most. So maybe I'm just filling that void but honestly, Jeremy doesn't feel like a void.

Especially these past few days.

We grew closer.

"The living situation," I whisper. His hand finds my cheek and he looks into my eyes. Although he wears glasses his eyes pierced at me so sharp and bright.

We were about to kiss when a knock was heard downstairs.

Talk about bad fucking timing.

He chuckles as he pulls away. "I'll go see who it is."

I swear if it's Todd or Syd, someone's gonna catch these hands.

Rated E for everyone.

Who do you guys think it could be? 🌚

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