Chapter Thirty-One: The Torn Decision

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Warnings—1.8k words, dual POVS. CLIFFHANGER.

Regular POV-

my father's words are an instant rewind playing in the back of my mind.

Not him.

Just you.

And the thing is, I can't even blame him for not wanting Miguel there. I should count my blessings that he decided that he wanted me there after all.

One thing at a time I suppose.

Because of the great hurt, I caused my father I owe it to him, please his condition.

But because I'm loyal to Miguel, I owe it to him to tell-

"Hey, you're back." Miguel rips me from my thoughts. He looks down to the desert plate and grins. "Not a piece of brownie touched."


"Okay, it's a new one. I ate the other one but you shouldn't be upset at me. It was payback for punishing me with no sex for—

"Miguel, shut up for one second, will you!" I blow out air, ruffling a hand through my hair.

"I don't care about the brownie. I mean I do but that's not important right now. I just ran into Antonia and my father."

His face falls. "Oh... they're here? Right now." he stutters.

"I'm sure they left by now." I sigh, taking a seat.

He reached for my hand across the table. "Did you talk to him?"

"Somewhat yeah." I nod. "He hasn't forgiven me completely, but I think I'm on the right path. He wants me to go to the wedding after all."

"Oh good. See I told you he might've just needed some time. We're on the right path Mariposa. And he'll see that at the wedding." he smiles causing my heart to ache.

"Miguel, only I was invited. He specifically said just me. He doesn't want you the wedding."

"O-Oh yeah... of course."

"Hey, it's okay. It'll just take a little longer for you than it will for me."

"I hope so."

"So I'm assuming that you will be going?"

"Miguel I have to, he's my father. I need to be there for him. He needs me. I owe it to him. I mean fuck, it's the least I could do after all the pain WE put him through. Don't you think?"

He grimaces. "Yeah, you should be there. I won't hold you back."


"Should we grab the check?" I ask awkwardly.

"I already did. Let's go home."


"What are you thinking about?" Mariposa whispers. I stroke her cheek, admiring her make-up-free face. She sinks into my hand against the pillow.

"How much I love you." she smiles.

"I love you more."

Her smile widens. I lean in and rub my nose with hers. "I'm so happy with you," I whisper.

Flutters hit us both. "So am I," she says, before continuing. "Things are going to be okay, you know."

"I know."

After our moment pass. I couldn't resist the urge to ask you know, just to make sure...

"A whole week?"

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