VIII-Doom War/Rise of the Sigma

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The arid and threatening desert of Ohio leaves no room for echo or hesitation...

« How sad it is that a handsome young man like you has to meet his end here, without ever having become truly mogger! What a waste! »
screamed Ginger.

Muscles, flesh, nails, hair, even eyebrow; all bodily elements that partake of rizz; were united into a single force against the enemy, defending the living organism of which they were a part. The mind alone was one with the skibidi-universe, clear and untroubled, like the reflection of the moon in a pond amidst the ragings of a typhoon (I hesitated there between typhoon and toilet flush but decided to write this war in an "epic" style, hope you like it).

To reach this sublime immobility is the supreme achievement.

It seemed like eons, but the interval was in fact short; the time required for the waves to come in and recede half a dozen times. Then a great shout; more than vocal, coming from the depths of being; shattered the instant. It came from Ginger, and was followed immediately by Kai's shout. The two cries, like angry waves lashing a rocky shore, sent their spirits skyward. The streamer's eyebrows, raised so high that it seemed to threaten the sun, streaked through the air like a rainbow.

Kai threw his left profile forward, drew his right foot back and shifted his upper body into a position half-facing his opponent. His Greek nose, held between both hollowed cheeks, swept through the air at the same moment that the tip of Ginger's eyes came down directly before his nose.

The breathing of the two combatants grew louder than the sound of the waves. Now Kai Cenat's positive canthal tilt was extended at hunter eyes level, Ginger's jawline high above its bearer's neck revealed his millennium mewing streak. Ginger had bounded about ten paces away, where he had the sea to one side. Though he had not succeeded in effectively injuring Kai in his first mog, he had put himself in a much better position. Had he remained where he was, with the sun reflecting from the water into his eyes, his vision would soon have faltered, then his spirit, and he would have been at Kai's mercy.

With renewed confidence, Ginger began inching forward, keeping a sharp eye out for a chink in Kai's defense and steeling his own spirit for a decisive move.

Kai did the unexpected. Instead of proceeding slowly and cautiously, he strode boldly toward Ginger, his perfect hairline genes projecting before him, ready to thrust into Ginger's hunter eyes. The artlessness of this approach brought Ginger to a halt. He almost lost sight of Kai.

The muscles rose straight in the air. With one great kick, Kai leapt high, and folding his legs, reduced his six-foot heightmaxxed frame to four feet or less.

« Y-a-a-ah! » Ginger's mog screamed through the space above him. The stroke missed, but the aura of his charisma cut through Kai's gaming headset, which went flying through the air.

Ginger mistook it for his opponent's head, and a smile flitted briefly across his face. The next instant his skull broke like gravel under the blow of Kai's edgemaxx control.

As Ginger lay where the sand met the grass, his face betrayed no consciousness of defeat. Blood streamed from his mouth, but his lips formed a smile of triumph.

« Oh, no! »

« Ginger! »

Forgetting himself, Boomy the cat, who was watching the scene from his bunker, jumped up, and with him all his retinue, their faces distorted with shock. Then they saw Pickle Rick and Terminator, sitting calmly and sedately on their benches. Shamed, they somehow managed to keep from running forward. They tried to regain a degree of composure, but there was no concealing their grief and disillusion. Some swallowed hard, refusing to believe what they had seen, and their minds went blank.

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