Sonic Cast Reacts To FNF Ejected

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(Author's Note): The Sonic cast you'll be seeing will be from after the events of Sonic Forces, but they'll only be Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Rouge, Shadow, and Eggman.

Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Rouge, Shadow, and Eggman appeared in the reaction room and were shocked at what they saw.

Speederlord450: Hello everyone.

Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Rouge, and Shadow got into their battle stances, ready to fight.

Knuckles: Who are you?!

Speederlord450: I'm the author. I brought you here to react to a video and then I'll return you to your world.

Sonic: Okay then.

Everyone sat down and looked at the screen as the video started playing.

As the video played, everyone was confused at seeing Boyfriend(Keith) and Girlfriend(Cherry).

Amy: Who are those two?

Tails soon noticed the blood on the floor and was shocked at that.

Tails: It looks like blood on the floor. I know what blood looks like.

Once they saw a shadow of Green Imposter's visor with the imposter glow, Shadow looked at it with suspicion.

Shadow: That's an odd-looking creature.

And then the cast saw the rap battle between Green Imposter (in her parisite form (Author's Note): In the canon wiki Green Imposter is male. I made it as if he was female because I wanted a bit of gender equality in FNF VS Imposter V4.)) and Boyfriend. The cast was shocked at what they were seeing. 

Sonic: What is that thing?

Speederlord450: That is parisite form. Something common in some imposters.

Eggman: This is an interesting-looking specimen.

Rouge: Don't get any ideas Eggman.

And they continued watching the video to the end and were sent back to their world.

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