First Meetings

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A regular day in monte macabre, or..a slightly not weird day.

This town has all types of ancient monsters and ghouls roaming around so its rare to have a day where its quite quiet and uneventful.

Victor and Valentino were working at their grandmothers stand as usual, victor bored and valentino cleaning and tidying up.

To their far left they could see a flower shop opening and a guy opening the door.

He was around 6'7, had dark brown skin, freckles, ginger hair, flower printed pants and a yellow handkerchief around his neck. He saw the 2 brothers and waved giving them a smile.

"Hey vic wanna go check that place out I just saw some lovely dhalias in the window"

"Eugh no. Flowers couldnt you have found something better to do than flowers , leave me to my comic in peace val."

*Val grabbed his arm*

"Come on vic it'd be nice to check it out"

*Vic groaned and responded*

"Ughhh fine."

They made their way into the flower shop it was new and quite polished and a large bouquet rested on the counter as the owner of the shop peaked over

"Why hello welcome you can call me Yusef, what can i do for you, flower arrangement, bouquet, send a flower or two to a special someone, im talking to you brunette."

He let out a soft chuckle

*vic exclaimed in an annoyed tone*

"Blegh...i knew i shouldve read my comic, why'd you drag me here val."

*val pinched the bridge of his nose*

"Why are you like this vic, this place is nice and Oh my goodness is that a Chocolate Cosmos! Those are really rare"

*Yusef smiled and turned to Val*

"The rarer flowers i collect for myself theyre native to mexico i bought my way into getting one seed...was quite hard but im planning to send it away once it gets a bit bigger"

*val spoke in a smug tone*

"Ah, a fellow collector i see, nice to meet another person with the hobby"

*Yusef smiled*

"Oh please it really isnt much..its just a little hobby"

*vic sighed*

"Im sooo boreedddd....isnt there anything else."

"Well i do have- oh but you'd find it boring wouldnt you"

"Hey hey hey- tell me what is, i wanna knowwww!"

"Well..i do play the electric guitar, a variety of instruments really.."

"Show me!"

*val interjected*

"It would actually be nice to see"

*yusef sighed and scratched his head*

"Oh i shouldnt keep you two i have way more work to get done after all come by later...if 5 is good and i might show you"

*Yusef waved them off and watched them leave going back to the flower arrangements he had to finish*

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