Fair 2/2

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*Charlene's giggling bounced of the walls with loud echos, Pineapple seemed a bit unfazed while Yusef looked very creeped out*

"Why is your sister acting like the devil-!"

"This is a regular occurance..and dont call my sister that."

"Sorry...sorry just..mannn"

*they followed the giggling then found charlene with fake blood on his hands*

"Its not even real blood"

*yusef blinked and rubbed his face*

"Lil' girl you have problems."

*he picked her up*

"You're lucky you're adorable."

*Charlene giggled and sat on Yusef's shoulders*

"Thank youu..~"

*She hopped off and ran out of the house of horrors going to find some place else to creep out or terrify people, Yusef and Pineapple walked out seeming unimpressed*

"That was underwhelming for a house of horrors"

"I know..the costumes didnt even look that scary, are you gonna go find charlene?"

"I did say i was gonna show you some rides snd charlene can handle herself well enough, she'll find me"


"She'll find me..Trust me."

"Creepy sentence, mysterious.. i am seeing the family resemblance already"

"Oh ha. Ha."

*Pineapple took Yusef to the spinning tea cups*

*yusef's face lit up*

"Oh my parents go to disney land like every other Month i know about these they told me"

*pineapple raised an eyebrow, he was well off as well but he gave Yusef a small look*

"Every other month?"

"Oh yea my dad is a lawyer and my mother is a surgeon!"

"Oh, i guess theyre busy huh?"

"Well its fine theyre busy for a reason"

*they got into the tea-cup and it span around really fast*


*Yusef held onto the corners for dear life, while pineapple was laughing as the cups span for another minute, they got out and Yusef was walking wobbly and he looked dizzy*

"That was horrible...Thrilling...BUT HORRIBLE-!"

"You dont get out much, do you?"

"Hey i go out! I have lots of friends, like-"

"Dont say the plants i've seen you talk to in your flower shop Yusef......."

*his cheeks flushed a little*

"I didnt think anyone saw that..BUT VIC AND VAL

"Vic and Val talk to everybody they dont count."

"Uhh...You, Luna and Jade then uhhmm.."

"Thats 3 people Yusef you have a few friends and thats ok you dont need alot"

*Yusef thought for a moment*

"Yea i guess so..oh my god is that a giant panda plushie."

"You want it?"

*Yusef grabbed pineapple's face*

"I NEED it"

They went over to the Carnies stand, it was a run of the mill ring toss, Yusef quickly just gave the Carnie 100 bucks for it and bought it which left Pine confused

"You're supposed to play the game..?"

"Oh- i thought...hey i told you i havent been to one of these before"

*he held the Large plush, then a familiar face walked by*


*Jade looked shocked to see Yusef*

"Yusef? I didnt think this place would be your scene but glad to see you having fun-"

*she spotted pineapple*

"Are you 2 on a date-!?"

*Yusef blushed*

"WE ARE NOTTTT- He's just showing me around the Fair.."

"So the large Panda plush your holding isnt a cliche Fair date thing?"

"No i bought it...cause i didnt know you we're supposed to play to get one"

"Have you never been to a fair before"

"No i have not at the big ripe prehistoric age of 17 no need to rub it in"

"Hey hey no harm no foul..just enjoy your date~"

"Dont say that!"

*Jade snorted and walked away Yusef going back to pineapple, Yusef and Pine did more rides tried the food..that Yusef threw back up*

"So is there anything else..?"

"Petting zoo?"

*they went to the petting zoo, Yusef trying to pet a goat, then it licked his hand and he let out a high pitched scream*


"Its a GOAT."

"No..NO, we are going."

*Pine was smiling*

"Look I have to head home soon..so the ferris wheel?"

"Oh that one i can do lets go"

*he pulled pineapple along with him and they got in the ferris wheel, as they sat there Yusef spoke up*

"I know i probably annoyed you the whole day with my rich-kid nonsense..."

"You havent been annoying me?"

"Really..i havent?"

"What no-! What made you think that..?"

"I just yknow assumed that i was.."

*Pineapple pat his shoulder*

"Well you havent been at all Yusef"

"Hey wanna know a secret?"


"My name isnt Yusef, its Kai, my last name is Yusef"

"Wait what? Why would you-?"

"Thats a story for another time, Oh my god the sunset is beautiful, come here!"

*he took his phone out and pulled pineapple in for a picture with the sunset in the background*

*As they got off the ferris wheel Charlene popped up beside pineapple and he picked her up, Charlene sitting on his shoulders*

"Oh uh...see ya Pine..And you too Charlene"

*Pineapple smilled and waved, Charlene just staring at him smiling*

*Yusef Shivered*


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