Summerween corn maze

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Author'a note: this is (loosley) based on the episode/events of El Sibon

Yusef was talking in the flower shop with Jade getting a new order of vases

"So is this some type of summerween thing?"

"Well, no..its not, i think? vic and val are just doing some spooky corn maze thing i lowkey wanna take a look at it"

"I dont think its gonna be scary, i just want some candy, are they gonna have anything there aside from a most likely subpar corn maze?"

"Then go buy candy Yusef"
*jade rolled her eyes leaning against the counter*

"Plus youre too old...well.." *she stared at him for a little then playfully punched his shoulder*

"Yeaa definatley too old and tall to trick or treat anyway, you'd get the door slammed in your face so fast"

"There is no need to ruin my delusions are you allergic to whimsy and fun Hhhmmmmmm party pooper."

"You are so immature, maybe you could trick or treat."

"I feel insulted, but fine lets go check it out..i'll pay"

"Good i was counting on it..just kidding i got my own money"

Yusef scoffed but chuckled then locked up and left with jade

"Alright where is..?"

*he bumped into luna*

"Damnit Yusef cant you watch it"

"But girl you gotta stand up or somethin, anyway im heading to the spOooky corn maze, wanna join i think you like that cute brunette dontcha?"

"Ok. First, we just met like...2 days ago you barely know me, second how can you assume i'd like someone when i havent even spoken to him that much and third why are you like this. Lets just go to the maze. "

"Dawhhh you love me already look at that all of us bondinggg"

*both of the girls shared a glance at eachother then shrugged and walked over to Vic and Vals corn maze*

Yusef spoke

"I swear if this is a waste of money."

*luna stepped on his toe*

"Relax ya big baby and just pay for it-"

"YO-! What the!? you lil gremlin."

*jade touched Yusef's shoulder*

"Just go in Yusef"

*he walked up and paid for all 3 of them, then he saw pineapple and charlene*

"Oh wow didnt think i'd see you guys here at all- heh..."

*charlene giggled*

"We are experts in all things scary of course we'd be here."

*he nodded*

*Yusef's eyes lingered on pineapple before dragging luna and jade away*

*victor popped up in a ghost costume*

*Luna laughed*

"Is that even a costume? Thats a bedsheet, with a stain. AND ITS BACKWARDS."

*Yusef snickered a little then vic ran off*


*luna hunched over laughing a little* "Oh this was worth it..."

*jade kept walking*

"Man i dunno..isnt this supposed to be scary i think you got ripped off"

"Hey i only see it as a scam if i didnt gain from it, right now im enjoying it."

*luna walked around pointing out the shabbily made cardboard cut outs*

"Oh this is too gooodd....Yusef you shouldve paid extra."

*she wiped a single tear*

*yusef, luna and Jade kept walking till they exited the cornmaze he was laughing along with luna and hell even Jade was giggling a little*

*jade said inbetween laughing*

"That was....hilariously bad dios mío."

*Yusef rubbed his face*

"If i laugh anymore i'll be in stiches! Cmon lets do that again."

*they went back around only to see angry kids another ginger*

*jade sighed*

"Oh baker..he probably didnt like it"

*luna rolled her eyes*

"He's always got a stick up his a-"

*Yusef shot her a look which made her rephrase the sentence*

"Up where the sun dont shine."

*baker could be heard complaining*

"You call that a spooky corn maze-! I want my money back!"

*Yusef turned around*

"Wanna go before stuff gets ugly?"

*jade stuffed her hands in her pockets*

"I can walk myself home anyway see you tomorrow"

*He smiled*

"See you tomorrow Jade"
*waving her off he turned to luna*

"So...just me and you huh?

"Nope im off to maria teresa's attic?"

"YOU LIVE IN HER ATTIC-!!...Whats it like?"

"She actually isnt that bad..i do what i do get food, money and shelter"

"..what about pineapple and charlene?"

"I mean they arent bad either, charlene pops up whenever to talk about spells, demons and victor shes adorable over all to be honest, Pineapple just pops up he's very..very silent but hey i dont mind, why do you ask?"

"No reason just uh...curious, im gonna head home you ok?"

"Yea im good its not a far walk anyway see ya"


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