Trip to the movies 2/2

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Kai was helping with the set-up staying away from the equipment, pineapple setting up the projector and the rest of them

"Thats the last of it."

"I brought food...!"


"W-well uh...i just brought chocolate"

"Well i dont mind i love chocolate."

"Oh great!"

Kai just sat there at the docks leaving quick glances at pineapple, feeling butterflies as he gave him to chocolate

"Kai you seem out of it."

"Out of it pshhh im fine totally good man, just eat the chocolate"

"Dont you want any?"

"Huh no im fine..."

Kai got up and went into the projection room

"Can i put a flower in here or something it looks so dead!"

"We're gonly gonna be here for a night"

"I do not getting some flowers"

he bumped into Jade who was covered in clay, he was giggling a bit and she was too

"Oh my gooodddd!"

"Kai not a word...Not a word"

"Using my first name i see"

"I hope we're on a first name basis now"

"I guesss youre on thin go take a shower and stop walking around like clay face."

"Ok ok but i just came to see how you and pine were getting along"

"Oh fine...we're doing fine..just a couple of guy friends hanging out doing..uh guy stuff."

"That sounded painful, youre nervous arent you."

"MY PALMS ARE SO SWEATY JADE..i havent talked to people this much!"

He would wipe his hands on his pants repeatedly and eratically

"Hey hey Kai relax"

"I cant relax how can i relax- im talking to you guys all day and its hard to keep up with itt.."

"Just talk to us like you do to the flowers"

"You dont wanna know the conversations i have with my flowers- AND leave my flowers out of this!"

"Look kai all you gotta do it be normal and-"

"I am NOT normal jade....i am the opposite its such a cliche but my brother is the extroverted one man- im the guy that sits on the couch of parties holding the drink in a red solo cup, im the guy nobody danced with at prom Jade, I was the weird kid in the corner!"

Kai shook her a bit looking like a mess

"Ok ok gonna get need to cool off before the film festival you look like youre gonna explode and change your kinda got stains..."

"I KNOW-!"

Kai left and went to his flower shop accompanied by Jade and Luna

Luna spoke in a softish tone

"Dude are you good, maybe you should go home, recharge your social battery yknow"

"I cant i said that i was gonna hang out with pineapple i dont wanna bail."

"Pineapple is understanding, trust me i live with him, if you tell him you got and emergency he'll understand"


Jade spoke up

"You changed your shirt right-"

"I feel like im going through puberty all over again!"

Luna chuckled nervously

"Alright man about we go and get....what do you wanna do?"

"Ugh...i'll just go home..."

Luna retorted  "But i thought you'd-"

"Im..going home..because this is starting to feel like im acting like an idiot goodnight, buenas noches or whatever.."

He tossed jade the keys

"Close up shop for me alright.."

Kai left starting his walk back home leaving Luna and Jade alone

Luna spoke loudly

"He's just gonna give up-! Where's the willpower!"

"Luna, i think Kai has his own things to deal with, you tell pineapple i'll close up shop for him"

Luna walked back to the docks where pineapple was in the projection room, she knocked on the door to find him

"Luna did you know where kai went..? He left and he hasnt come back"

"Oh about Kai has an emergency..he's really upset that he cant do this thing with you, like distraught

"Oh....whats the emergency?"

"He didnt say just know he's really bummed out right now"

"Alright, i'll talk with him tomorrow then to see whats wrong"

"Yea that sounds golden"

Luna walked off to go find jade

"So did kai come back or what?"

"No he's totally gone home"

"Why didnt we think to get his numberr-! I am not looking through a phonebook"

"Luna do they even make those anymore?"

"I think somewhere?"

"Getting side tracked..i dont even wanna go to the film festival at this point.." Luna sighed and rubbed her face

"I mean i dont feel like it now either..we can ask who won later anyway, its probably baker"

"Hey i saw vic making a movie it was hilarious almost died laughing."

Then someone who looked exactly like kai walked passed, just in different clothes

Luna waved, "Kai dude-! You ok?"

"Im not Kai im kevin, twin brother"

Jade spoke "he did mention having a brother, you here for the festival"

"Yea i am, you guys friends with my brother or something?"

"Yea we are"

"Ok well see ya'll around im goin'"

He continued walking not saying much to Luna and Jade

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⏰ Last updated: May 22 ⏰

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