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[ NOVEMBER 14th 1997

      Clover sat on the floor of her hard tiled bathroom with Letty's journal and the phone in front of her

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Clover sat on the floor of her hard tiled bathroom with Letty's journal and the phone in front of her. She glanced down at all the numbers in the journal before dialling the first one she saw.

" Hello?" She heard from the other side making her pause before continuing on with what she wanted to do.

" Hi—um, do you know who Letty Cortez is?" Clover questioned the other person. She bit her lip in anticipation and tilted her head slightly.

" Huh?"

" Yeah, she looks really different. She's not even pretty anymore." Clover let out smiling in amusement not thinking what would happen if the word spread out and got to the girl, all she cared about was getting revenge on the blonde who she found to be a bitch.

" Who is this?" The voice questioned, confusion clear in their voice. Clover silently laughed before hanging up the phone and dialling the next person.

" Hello?"

" I'm just calling to let you know that Letty Cortez is a vicious bitch and everything she owns is fake." Clover spat out before hanging up and repeating the cycle while slandering Letty's name to every person she called.

" You know Letty Cortez? She's a fucking slut, her friend Juno too.

" Letty Cortez doesn't even like any of her friends."

" Letty Cortez— you know her? Yeah well she's a fucking cunt along with Campbell and Juno."

Clover looked down at the last number she wanted to call and gazed at the picture of Rafe Carmine in the notebook and smiled at the phone number that was sloppily written under the picture.

" Hello?" Rafe spoke into the phone easily making the Bella girl nervous and want to hang up but she stayed.

" Hi, Rafe." Clover awkwardly said with a giddy smile.

" Who is this?" He responded with confusion.

" It's Clover. Clover Bella. I drove past you today— you know the bright green car? Yeah that was me." Clover rambled before stopping herself at his next words.

" How'd you get this number?" He replied not sounding amused in the slightest.

" Letty Cortez gave it to me. You know she has same disease right? What is it called again—uh, oh! Right AIDS." Clover mused but was answered with silence in the other end. " So do you want to hangout some time?" Silence enveloped once again within the room.


" Are you coming? Fucking walk faster Juno." Letty grumbled out, her eyes setting into a glare when she looked behind her at Juno who softly shook her head.

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