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Kaito stood aloof, his youth and distance a source of concern for his family. Across the room, his mother, Linda, watched him with annoyance. "He's been there since we got here," she whispered to her husband, Charles.

"Honey, he's just young," Charles whispered back, but Linda only glared in response. "I will see what I can do," he dismissed, walking toward his son as the guests glanced in their direction.

"Hey, you," Charles smiled, standing beside Kaito.

Kaito glanced at his father, unfazed by his approach, and looked across the room to see his mother peeking over as she talked to a group of women.

'Coward,' he thought.

As Charles placed his hand on Kaito's shoulder, guiding him to the balcony, they both stood under the brush of the night breeze, feeling its shivers along their skin. Exhaling softly, Charles gazed down at his son.

"Kaito," he began, his voice gentle.

The young boy glanced up, his expression distant. "Understand you will have times in your life where you will meet love," Charles softly spoke.

"There's no such thing," Kaito muttered, staring ahead.

"Why do you believe that?" Charles inquired.

"Because you're with someone else, and mother is no longer here," Kaito's words silenced his father.

Charles lowered his head, grappling with the sudden realization. However, their conversation was interrupted by laughter as Charles and Kaito turned to see Linda standing there.

"Charles, the Princess of Sweden is here," Linda's urgency broke the moment as Charles glanced down at his son. "I will be right back," he assured Kaito, stepping away and heading into the ballroom.

Young Kaito watched his father leave once again, leaving him alone with Linda, who stared down at him with disgust in her eyes. She wasn't afraid to show it because, to her, he was never her child.

As Charles hurried back into the ballroom, leaving Kaito alone with Linda's disdainful gaze, the young man felt a familiar pang of isolation. He stood on the balcony, the cool night air wrapping around him like a comforting shroud.

Linda's words echoed in his mind, each one a reminder of his perceived place within the family. Despite his efforts to connect with his parents, Kaito couldn't shake the feeling of being an outsider in his own home.

With a heavy sigh, Kaito turned his attention back to the glittering ballroom below. He watched as guests mingled and laughed, their carefree demeanor a stark contrast to the turmoil within him.

Lost in thought, Kaito didn't notice when Linda finally broke the silence. Her voice was sharp, cutting through the night air like a blade.

"You're always causing trouble," she spat, her words laced with contempt.

Kaito tensed, bracing himself for another onslaught of criticism. But as he met Linda's gaze, he saw something unexpected flicker in her eyes - a hint of vulnerability, masked by her usual facade of disdain.

For a fleeting moment, Kaito saw his mother not as an adversary, but as a woman burdened by her own insecurities and fears.

"I didn't ask to be here," Kaito replied softly, his voice tinged with resignation.

"At you see where existence is," she hissed "do something for me and your father and just leave you be such burden ,"

The young man's eyes softened slowly, feeling the weight of hurt as Linda stepped forward. "He wouldn't say nothing because you have her eyes to remind him of her," her voice dripped with venom, her words striking like a snake staring at its prey. "But he will never tell you that he never wanted you here,"

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