chapter 5

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Hope got dressed and put on her outfit, getting ready and set for class. Making her way across campus, she noticed a familiar face. "Alina," she called out, seeing Alina turn her head and smile.

"Hope, girl, I see you," Alina cooed, receiving a hug that surprised her. "Not bad yourself," Hope complimented.

As they walked side by side, they made their way to class and entered the photography room. Hope's lips parted as she took in the studio and watched students walk around. "This is what you call a studio," Alina remarked.

The teacher turned his head and walked over. Hope stiffened as Alina leaned in and whispered, "This is the director." Hope's eyes widened.

"You must be new students added to my class," he spoke up.

Hope nodded. "Yes... uh, I worked hard to get straight A's to get here," she said, smiling, but the man wasn't smiling back, causing her smile to disappear.

The director's gaze lingered on Hope for a moment before he spoke again, his tone stern. "Grades are important, but they're not everything in this class. Creativity, dedication, and passion for photography are what truly matter."

Hope's heart sank slightly at the director's serious demeanor, but she nodded, understanding his point. "Of course, sir. I'm passionate about photography, and I'm eager to learn."

Alina nudged Hope subtly, giving her a reassuring smile. "We'll do great, Hope. Don't worry."

Hope managed a small smile in return, grateful for Alina's support. As the class continued, Hope focused on her work as she could, determined to prove herself in the director's eyes.

After class, Hope and Alina walked out together, discussing their plans for the day. Despite the initial tension with the director, Hope felt a sense of excitement building within her. She was ready to dive into the world of photography and see where it would take her.

Hope's photography class wasn't turning out as she had hoped.

The director's harsh critiques left her feeling discouraged and drained. Despite her efforts, she struggled to meet his expectations, and each critique felt like a blow to her confidence.

For weeks, she pushed herself, barely getting noticed or receiving any helpful feedback from the director.

"This is...," hope would inhale "terrible," she frowns.

Director passes the camera back "it lacks, a lot things ," he glances at hope.

"Get your things..your done for today," hope face turns into confusion as he walked away.

"What are you five in this photo? Where maturity,"

"Your decorated like balloon, feeling in like now and later,"

'Can girl break around here!?'

It seemed hopeless to even try anymore. Class after class, he dismissed her before she could even speak, leaving her feeling frustrated and defeated.

One day, after class ended, Hope mustered the courage to confront the director. She rushed to his office, her heart pounding with nervousness as she knocked on the door.

"Come in," his voice called from inside.

Hope stepped into the room, her determination faltering slightly as she faced the stern gaze of Mr. Sage, the director.

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