Chapter 4

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Hope got out of her father's truck and stood amazed by the college as her father walked around, frowning

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Hope got out of her father's truck and stood amazed by the college as her father walked around, frowning. "They had to be extra," he grumbled.

She squealed and hugged her father. "I can't believe I'm actually here," she smiled brightly.

Hope's father chuckled and ruffled her hair affectionately. "You'll do great, kiddo. Just be yourself."

Hope beamed up at him, her excitement palpable. "Thanks, Dad. I'll make you proud."

As they walked towards the entrance, Hope couldn't contain her enthusiasm, taking in every detail of her new chapter. It was a fresh start, and she was ready to embrace it fully.

The student and the principal waited for her with smiles. "Are you Hope Jenkins?" the boy asked, smiling, and she nodded.

"I am," she said, shaking his hand. "Wow, great. So, I'll give you a tour and show you to your room. I'm Bruce Maxwell," he introduced himself.

"Smooth name for a white boy," she teased, watching him chuckle. "At least it's not common," he smirked.

The two shared a glance before her father cleared his throat, and Bruce glanced over, noticing her dad was in the picture, giving him an intimidating glance.

"So... uh, this way," Bruce said, opening the door.

Bruce led Hope and her father down the hallway, pointing out various classrooms and facilities along the way.

"This is the cafeteria, and over there is the library," Bruce said, gesturing to each area. "And here are the lockers for the freshman wing."

Hope's father nodded, taking in the surroundings with a discerning eye.

Bruce continued the tour, explaining the school's layout and some of its key features. Hope listened attentively, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness about starting her new journey at the school.

Bruce led them out of the main campus, walking them back across the bridge as students waved by. He then led them to a building that resembled a castle. Hope's eyes lit up as she stared up at it.

"This is where you will be staying. Mr. Jenkins here bought you your own personal room and bathroom," Bruce explained.

"Just like an apartment," Hope whispered in awe, and Bruce couldn't help but smile. "Yes, just like an apartment," he laughed.

Bruce leaned in. "Would you like to see the room?" Hope nodded eagerly as they made their way up to the entrance of the building.

As they reached Hope's assigned room, Bruce opened the door, revealing a bright and welcoming space.

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