45. A new friend

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Overwhelmed by this, I didn't know what else to say. Thankfully, Undertaker helped me out right away, "Of course she will. You picked the right girl for this special day." With the last preparations, the boy and his parents left the shop. With a sad look, I watched the child walk out this place, with his head held up high. I want sure if I was brave enough to do this.

Undertaker just went back to his work, like nothing had happened.

Not looking up from the letter, he asked "Are you done with your games?"


I guess we are ready to play, but his eyes stuck on the papers before him. I crossed my arms annoyed, "Are we going to play or not?"

"Just let me get this thing done and then we can."

I sighted loud, as he grabbed his feather and ink, writing something I couldn't read. Patiently, I waited. A few minutes passed, as the question from the boy came to mind.



"Is it true, dying isn't painful?"

Not looking at me, he replied, "It depends on how you end."

I shuddered at the thought of pain, "I hope the boy won't die like that. Speaking of it, what does he have?" Expecting a proper answer, he just put the letter in an envelope and said, "It doesn't matter, it all end the same way. Let hope he won't get crushed by a bunch of horses." "Did you have to do that?!" the image formed in my mind, unable to remove them. I slapped his arm annoyed, announcing that I will get the games. Hopefully, they will distract my train of thoughts.

London was filled with darkness, as Big Ben began to announce midnight.

Before that, a massive explosion erupted over that clock. Three people faced the giant tower. Sebastian and Ciel were on a mission to catch a woman who killed others with a camera. Another one was also doing the same thing, but for a different reason. All three were disappointed that night. But as Ciel was about to leave the place, his butler stopped him, "My Lord, I hope you didn't forget my wife's deal." The Earl nodded, "I remember, let's get her and then out of here." The other person, a man with long red hair, glasses and almost wearing nothing but red clothes, began to scream hysterical. "Wife????? You have a wife?????" The butler nodded uninterested, "Indeed, now if you excuse me, I need to get her back home."

But the man in red didn't give up that easily, following them like a lost puppy.

Ciel got annoyed of him coming along, "Do you have to follow us?!"

"I want to see that ugly thing that you call a wife. I mean, me, Grelle Sutcliff, the hottest reaper in all London, is waiting for his beloved Sebby to come and hold his hand in marriage." Sebastian shivered at this, "Please stop your sick fantasies. They are hideous."

"Oh, my darling demon. I wish I could bare your babies as prove of my undying love for you."

Sighting deep Sebastian thought of me, wishing that I should be more like that. Completely devoted to him, but no, his darling wife has only an old man with a creepy smile in mind.

Speaking of me, I was winning in my own game of twister.

Instead of colored circles, I made two outlines of a human body and colored all parts in a different color. I was underneath him, as he began to use the chart. A cardboard with all the colors on it, chosen by a bone tied to the middle. One end was colored red to make it clear. But even so, he tried his best to be fair, while I had hoped to win by tickling him off the platform. It didn't work; he kept his balance despite all his laugh attacks. Not even in tic tac toe I was able to win or bowling, using real skulls as bowling balls. Somehow he refused to play hangman with me, but he didn't tell me why. The last game was 'guess who'. Undertaker had to guess who was written on that piece of paper I placed on his hat. While I could read his, I didn't see mine. I giggle as his was 'Lau'. He assured me that he knows the Earls friends. At least I think he is one of them.

"Okay, ask me questions about the person."

Undertaker thought hard, "How does this person look like?"

"Tall, short hair, wears an unusual outfit."


I shrugged, "I never have seen such clothes before."

He asked another one," What is the first word that comes to your mind of that person?"

"Pervert!" I yelled.


Undertaker and I jumped at the door being slammed open. Outside stands Sebastian, looking furious. Before I could ask him what happened, he grabbed the mortician at the collar, "What did you do to her?!"

"Let him go, he didn't do anything!"

Sebastian said that he heard me say 'pervert' to the mortician. No woman would say that without a reason. I had make this clear, "I didn't mean him, I meant that guy!" Pointing at Undertaker's hat , the butler realized it and lets the reaper go. Touching my head I noticed that the paper must have fallen off, looking on the ground for it. The paper was at Sebastian's feet. So mine was the young Earl, I thought.

"I am here to get you home" he said, not wasting anymore moments near the reaper. After all, he still got another one on his tail. Grell scanned me from top to bottom, not feeling impressed by my appearance. Somehow, I have seen him before. I watched as he walked over, ready to attack me with verbal abuse, but then, didn't get a chance to start. I interrupted him by complementing him fast, "Wow cute shoes!"

"Oh please, there nothing."

But I didn't stop there, "And the vest, the jacket, the tie, it all matches so perfectly."

Flattered, Grell completely forgot his own words, "Oh well...thank you..."

"And that hair...I love this red color..."

The poor reaper couldn't take it anymore, "Oh honey, you really have an eye for beauty!"

Ciel, Sebastian and Undertaker were speechless, as Grell and I began to talk like we been girlfriends for years.

The butler tried to tell me to hurry up. He only got one reply from Grell and me, "In a minute!"

This 'minute' turned to a three hour conversation.

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