Chapter 24/Part 53

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Gordon hadn't been sure about what to do after they'd visited Dr. Jackson's home. He'd just seen her, had just grown to like her professionalism and skill, and now she was... He didn't dare think it. She's fine. She will be fine. We'll find her.

It had still been early in the day after their crime scene walk, early for Gordon at least, and Maxim had sent them to 43 Ruthaven on some vague Heath will take care of you business.

Adler parked in front of the building, using the no parking zone.

"Power of the badge, huh?" Gordon asked as they got out of the car.

Adler shrugged. "I know the guy who owns the place. Don't imagine me parking here will bother him much."

"Right." Gordon looked up the tall skyscraper. "We met here."

"You ran away from me here," Adler countered, following Gordon toward a set of glass doors and through them.

The foyer was cool despite the sunlight coming in through the glass façade. Plants with lush, dark green leaves had grown to sizeable dimensions in their pots, and golden accents flaunted the way money accumulated for ancient vampires.

"I won't run today. But you need to teach me about going undercover."

Adler chuckled as he followed Gordon toward the front desk, the werewolf's hand warm on Gordon's back. "We're not really going undercover. We'll just go to that club and observe, maybe see if Maxim's presence shakes anything loose."

"Oh. Okay. Well, that works. I can shake stuff loose."

"Hmm. You sure can."

As they approached, Gordon recognized the man behind the lobby desk. He wore the same green blazer—the same uniform—he'd worn back that day, and he smiled the same pleasant smile.

The elevator further back in the lobby opened, and a tall man stepped out, walking toward them with purpose. Heath had light brown hair and blue eyes, but unlike Maxim, he wore a fancy business suit that fit him like a second skin.

"Detective, doctor," Heath said. "Welcome back. Maxim said he was, and I quote, 'going to indulge your shenanigans in that club' before showing everyone his nice sword, which he means literally, thank fuck."

"Right," Adler grumbled.

"We just want to help," Gordon said.

Heath shrugged. "You probably will. The old bat is many things, but—not sure whether you could tell or not, subtle isn't one of them."

"Maxim can be subtle," Green Blazer said. Gordon had clear forgotten his name.

Heath blew a raspberry.

Gordon noticed Adler frowning at Heath, and the werewolf's hand tensed at Gordon's back. Why does it feel so normal to have him touch me like that?

"You only ever dress up if you want to cosplay, right?" Heath asked Gordon.

If Gordon were human, he might have blushed. "I don't really cosplay. I just go to thrift stores and see if there's anything that fits, and I , so—"

"Hm-mmh." Heath narrowed his eyes, looking and sounding more judgmental than any fan judges Gordon had ever encountered at a con. "That's the problem. You cosplay. Bryan?"

"The twenty-first floor is where we store clothes for when they are needed. There are a few things there I think might suit. Will the detective need a shirt?"

Heath tapped a long finger against his chin as he looked Adler up and down. "Maybe he's less distracting with one on. If we want him less distracting. Not sure we do."

"Uh," Gordon said.

Adler cleared his throat. "Excuse me, but what kind of club are we going to?"

Gordon elbowed him. "You do look good without a shirt. Or with one. Whichever. You look good."

Adler's eyes flicked to Gordon, a near feral expression on his face.

Heath tapped his foot before grinning at the two of them. "Fuck me, but the old bat got it right this time around. Can you believe that, Bryan?"

"Personally, I think if you're selflessly aiming to set someone up with someone else, good things will come of it. It's like clearing the sidewalk in front of a neighbor's house from snow during winter. Kindness that births kindness."

"Yeah, I struggle to believe it myself." Heath snapped his fingers. "You two, follow me. We're getting you ready to explore the Red Clover."

"I still want to know what kind of club that is," Gordon asked.

"Doesn't matter, sweetheart. I'll take care of you wherever we end up."

Adler's hand went around Gordon's waist on the way to the elevator, and once they got in there with Heath, the werewolf had Gordon pressed close against his side.

[A/N: Who is still along for the ride and still enjoying Adler and Gordon?]

[A/N: Who is still along for the ride and still enjoying Adler and Gordon?]

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