Chapter 25/Part 55

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Generally speaking, not all werewolves were muscular hunks. This was scientific fact. Yet, putting on muscle was easier for werewolves than for humans or fae, and vampires just didn't change all that much unless circumstances forced their bodies to adapt.

All of this, Gordon knew, and he had done exams and autopsies on werewolves. What he'd never done was have a werewolf detective wearing tight pants, a black corset with gold detail and not much else, stick to his side like some hot and very firm parasite.

If anything, he's a handsome symbiont I don't want to part with, Gordon thought.

They were in the back of a car, not Adler's car, and Adler had complained about that when Heath had told him to get in. Then again, that was after Heath got that donor for me, and Adler didn't look too happy with that.

Heath's argument for switching cars had been reasonable. If, by chance, Philippa Pearson was at the club or close to it, she might recognize a cop's car. Gordon didn't think the chances of that likely, but Adler's car, while unmarked, still had blue lights mounted above the dash, and if you knew what to look for, you'd see them.

Which was why Heath had won the argument and had sent them off in this very nice town car with the uniformed driver.

Adler leaned over to Gordon. "Did you drink enough? Enough blood, I mean. I'm not sure, uh. I know how much you need is different for every vampire."

Gordon petted Adler's knee. "I'm fine, I promise. I won't keel over in the middle of the case."

Adler grumbled. "Not that. I don't care. I mean I care about you, sweetheart. And, uh. I get pretty hungry for carbs after the full moon."

Gordon nodded, tugging on the hair Heath had gathered up into a loose ponytail. "You'll easily need twice of what you normally eat on the day after the full moon. That's actually really interesting, from the scientific side of it. Did you know that how much they move when shifted will impact a werewolf's metabolism more than anything they do for the rest of the month? You could be sedentary for twenty-seven days out of a moon year, and then for that one night, if you run a lot, your lab results will easily surpass those of most human athletes."

Adler nodded. "That's something. I never got lab tested. What I mean is, I'm always hungry after the shift, and I don't ever want you to be hungry, sweetheart. You have to tell me if you are. Okay?"

Gordon blinked up at Adler. "You are actually like Kawaii Demon Hunter in the Sunrise Z arc."

Adler narrowed his eyes at Gordon. "Is that good?"

Gordon swallowed tightly. He felt his Adam's apple bob. Before he answered, he glanced at the driver, but the woman and her tight bun seemed oblivious to anything not road related.

"I may have a stack of art."

"Oh. You collect art? Maybe you can show me some time. Like the themed place I took you to for our date?"

"Nope. No. It's all not-safe-for-work art. There was actually an NSFW art book the creators did, and I got the signed and numbered version. You can't look at that. But I got the regular version too, and you can absolutely touch that."

Adler blinked a few times but was otherwise still. "You got the same book. Twice?"

"The same—detective. One is signed and numbered. The other is the regular version that you can buy off the Internet. It's like—you know when you get an ebook, but then you also get the paperback for your shelf and maybe the hardback if it's really pretty? It's like that." I'm glad he's not being weird about the NSFW art.

Adler nodded. "Huh. Okay. Signed and numbered can only be looked at with your eyes. Paperbacks you can touch and look at. Digital versions for reading. Okay. Those rules make sense." He looked at Gordon with concentration. "But following that logic and combining it with what you said earlier, you can't cosplay in the bedroom, but if I find you some non-cosplay costume—"

"Most cosplayers make their own costumes."

Adler nodded. "Right. So if I find you something to wear that's off the rack, would you wear that? Like what you are wearing under that blazer, but less?"

Adler's eyes were bright and hopeful. There wasn't a peep from the driver, not a one. Either she gets a lot of weird fares to and from 43 Ruthaven, or she's been through rigorous training. Probably a combination of the two.

[A/N: Any thoughts on this part? :)]

[A/N: Any thoughts on this part? :)]

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