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(Part 2)

As I slipped into my black tight dress, I left my apartment feeling a mix of excitement and nerves. The evening air was cool as I made my way towards the venue, noticing how the streets gradually filled with people. The closer I got to the concert, the denser the crowd became. I was jostled from side to side, the push of the crowd unavoidable. Amid the chaos, someone bumped into me a bit too harshly, causing me to stumble and brace against the pain that shot up my arm. I rubbed the spot gently, trying to soothe the sudden ache, and continued on, determined not to let this minor setback dampen my spirits for the night ahead.

As I finally made my way through the thick crowd, the stage came into full view, and there was Semi, standing confidently with an electric guitar slung across his shoulders. The stage lights cast dramatic shadows over his features, enhancing his intense expression as he tuned his guitar, seemingly lost in his own world. The crowd around me buzzed with anticipation, their chatter turning into cheers as they recognized him. Watching Semi in this element, transformed from the high school classmate I once knew into a musician commanding the stage, filled me with a mix of pride and surprise. The night's energy seemed to surge as the first chords vibrated through the air, capturing everyone's attention.

Our eyes met just as he was about to start his performance. The connection was brief but intense, charged with an unspoken conversation. Suddenly, I felt a tap on my shoulder. Turning around, I saw Mira, Akaashi, and Osamu emerging from the crowd, their faces lit with excitement.

"Hey, we made it!" Mira exclaimed, her voice nearly drowned out by the growing noise of the audience.

Akaashi nodded with a smile, "Just in time. Looks like it's going to be an amazing show."

Osamu, looking around at the packed venue, added, "Couldn't miss seeing Semi rock out. Plus, we wouldn't want to leave you hanging here alone."

I turned back to the stage, feeling a comforting sense of camaraderie with my friends around me. Semi was now strumming the first few notes, the sound crisp and enveloping. The concert was about to begin, and with my friends by my side, the earlier discomfort from the bustling crowd began to fade into the background.

Mira then turned to me "You've should of brought Kuroo here" she said.

Mira's comment brought back memories of Kuroo's unexpected visit earlier. I couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt for not inviting him, especially after his concern for my well-being.

"Yeah," I replied, my voice soft as I glanced down at the ground. "I probably should have."

Akaashi, ever perceptive, caught onto the shift in my mood. "Everything okay?" he asked, his tone gentle.

I hesitated for a moment, unsure of how much to share. But with my friends by my side, I felt comfortable enough to open up.

"It's just... Kuroo stopped by earlier," I admitted, choosing my words carefully. "He was worried about me, you know, since I've been skipping school."

Mira's expression softened with understanding, and she reached out to place a hand on my shoulder. "That was really sweet of him," she said reassuringly. "Maybe you should invite him to join us. It could be fun."

Akaashi nodded in agreement. "Yeah, why not? The more, the merrier."

I considered their words for a moment, grateful for their support. Maybe it wasn't too late to reach out to Kuroo and extend an invitation. After all, a night with friends and good music sounded like just what I needed.

As I reached for my phone to call Kuroo, navigating through the less crowded area, I inadvertently bumped into something—or rather, someone. Looking up, I found myself face to face with Kuroo.

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