Y/n's life story

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Mention : SH, SA, Family issues and Suicide

High school was when everything started to unravel for me. It was supposed to be a time of new experiences and growth, but instead, it became a period marked by darkness and pain. The memories from those years are a tangled web of emotions and trauma that I still struggle to make sense of.

In the beginning, high school seemed like a fresh start. I was optimistic, ready to dive into my studies and make new friends. But it didn't take long for the cracks to appear. My family life was already strained—my parents fought constantly, and home felt like a battlefield. The tension seeped into every aspect of my life, making it hard to focus on anything else.

Then there was Terushima. At first, he seemed charming and attentive, and I was flattered by his interest. But as our relationship progressed, his true nature emerged. He became possessive, jealous of any time I spent with others, especially guys. When I started tutoring Semi, Terushima's jealousy turned into rage. He demanded that I stop seeing him, convinced that there was something more between us. His possessiveness quickly escalated into verbal abuse and manipulation.

The worst came one night after a school party. Terushima had been drinking, and his jealousy flared up again. He cornered me, his eyes wild with anger. I tried to calm him down, but he wouldn't listen. The assault that followed left me broken and ashamed, my sense of safety shattered. I couldn't bring myself to tell anyone—not my friends, not my family. The fear of not being believed or, worse, being blamed, kept me silent.

In the midst of this chaos, I turned to self-harm as a way to cope. The physical pain was a distraction from the emotional torment. Each cut was a way to release the overwhelming feelings that I couldn't express. But it was a temporary relief, and the scars became a visible reminder of my inner turmoil.

School, which was supposed to be a refuge, became another source of anxiety. I felt like I was constantly under a cloud, trying to keep up with my studies while battling my demons. The pressure became unbearable, and I found myself seeking solitude more and more. The school rooftop became my escape, a place where I could be alone with my thoughts.

One particularly bad day, I stood on the edge of the rooftop, the wind whipping through my hair. The thought of jumping, of ending it all, seemed like the only way to stop the pain. I was tired of feeling worthless, of fighting battles I felt I could never win. But something always held me back, a small, stubborn spark of hope that maybe, just maybe, things could get better.

It was during this time that Kuroo and Semi unknowingly became lifelines. Kuroo's easygoing nature and Semi's quiet support gave me moments of normalcy, fragments of light in an otherwise dark world. But I never told them about the depth of my struggles. I kept my facade intact, afraid of burdening them with my problems.

Looking back, high school was a series of battles—against my circumstances, against my own mind. It left me with scars, both seen and unseen, and a resilience I didn't know I possessed. But it also left me wary, guarded, afraid to trust too easily. And now, as I lay in bed, trying to avoid the nightmares of the past, I couldn't help but wonder if I would ever truly heal from the wounds that high school had inflicted on me.

Back in High School

I remember one day. I went to my usual spot on the rooftop, seeking solitude to escape the turmoil inside me. But as I pushed the door open and stepped out into the brisk air, I found someone already there. A guy with dark brown hair stood near the edge, the wind blowing his hair in every direction. The door clicked shut behind me, causing him to turn and face me.

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