Training begins

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"Where are you going,Lix"
"None of your business, Jeongin"
"Just because you are about five months older than me it doesn't mean you have to treat me like shit"
"Hey you-"
"Felix stop it I know now why you are acting like this today" Chan says."
"He claims he had a bad day", Han says whiles giving me a look.
"Hyung,let him go on-", I.N says
"Yongbok!!!", Changbin calls I.N cutting him off. I want to tell him that Felix is Yongbok but it's too late.
"Why do you keep calling me by his name", I.N shouts and storms out of the room.
"I will check on him", Hyunjin says as he walks out of the room.
It is my fault. The atmosphere is awkward and Felix is just standing in the door way looking at me with disgust.

'Spoilt brat' he whispered.

Every time someone called me spoilt it hurt because even though my parents are rich, I worked for most of the things I had accomplished.

I needed to leave now.

"I have to go", I tell everyone.

"Thank God",Felix says whiles walking out of the room.

"That's soon", Seungmin whines even though we have no form of friendship so it's quite weird.

I have to get to the JYP building at seven am tomorrow that could be my excuse.

"Guys, she has training tomorrow", Chan comes to my aid.

"Ivy call when you get to the to the apartment, ok?", Han

"Ok, and never call me by my middle name again"

"Yes ma'am"

I bid the others goodbye and leave the restaurant and that's when I realized that Felix left the room to avoid me.

That Guy is really get on my nerves I am lucky he left the room or I would have probably broken down in front of everyone.

I stop the Uber driver in the middle of the road, pay him and get out.

I take off my heels and decide to walk to the apartment barefoot because the fresh air helps me think straight.

*The Next Morning*

This time I woke up early. I did my workout and my very own voice warm up.
I am on a diet so a drink a sweet potato shake.
I get dressed in my outfit that I happened to have picked yesterday and I take an Uber instead of the bus but not Uber Black this time.

I get to the JYP building at 15 minutes to 7 and I go to the admin to get an identification card to be able to get in.

I go to dance room 3 and there I meet 8 other girls I recognize from the stage on the first day.

I sit beside a girl I remember being from Busan.

"Hi, I'm Amara" I greet the girl beside me.

"Hey, I am Jihye" she introduces her self, "you are so pretty"
"Thanks, you also are".

Jihye and I talk a bit more and the we exchange numbers.
We learn the JYP dance basics for two hours and then we go for a 30 minutes break.

"Hey, do you want us to go to shopping and for dinner tomorrow evening I can show you where you can buy stuff in Korea".


"Let's go to a coffee shop near by right now before the time is up", I offer.

"No way, we'll split the bill".

At the cafe, Han and Lee Know were passing by so I send a text to him telling him not to come close.

I knew that Jihye  was a nice person but I just met her I couldn't just trust her with details of my life after every thing I had been through.

We had come back from the cafe, when my mom starts calling me. So, l pick up.

All I hear is one word death then I know my life is crumbling like a cookie.

The call was to inform me about my grandfather's sudden illness which is dragging him on to his deathbed.

I was never very close to my maternal grandfather but 5 months after he dies I have to reveal my identity.

I call Han after hearing the news.
*Call in italics*
"Are you excited for your face reveal"
"No, why would I, I chose to stay incognito until I was 21"
" 'kay Bye"
He just cut the call, what the heck?

Now I pray a lot for someone I haven't met before because his life and death holds my future.

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