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A week ago, I discovered that my whole idol career may have ended before it had started and I haven't been able to sleep in this week, so I was worried that I might get insomnia again.

I had to reschedule my plans with Han and shopping with Jihye and I took a sick leave at JYP.

I told Han not to tell even though I might not be surprised if my mom called me because she found out.

I get up from my bed which I have been laying in for 4 hours simply doing nothing. Last night I slept at 9 p.m because I was tired and my brain was messing with me while I was writing my 11th song for my collection. 

I had more than eleven, but since I started writing at 10, some songs are about children's desires, teenage love first heartbreaks, more feelings and desires which I am not proud of, and some of them I hate because they are not good enough.

But I woke up at 11 and couldn't sleep again because of a bad dream.

After taking a refreshing shower, I carefully selected a comfortable white sweater and paired it with my favorite ripped jeans and sneakers. I meticulously packed my bag, making sure to include my dance wear, a water bottle to keep hydrated, hairbands to keep my hair in place, and a soft towel for post-training freshness. 

In the kitchen, I whipped up a diet smoothie to fuel my training session. With everything in place, I confidently stepped out of my apartment, fully determined to pursue my training plans despite any objections from Peter and his group.

I made sure to take a taxi to the JYP building.

When I got there, I checked the time and it was 25 past 4 a.m so I went to the park near the company and sat down on the bench.

My phone started ringing. I knew I had to change my ringtone because Han made me set it to Circus when it came out.

It was Han. I pick up the call.

Callers in italics

"See I told you she was awake", I hear Han telling someone


"Oh hi Ams, Channie Hyung wants to talk to you ", "Hi Amara", Chan Oppa said.

"Oh hello, Oppa"

"Since when did we use honorifics, anyway Han told me about your situation"

"We've never spoken directly to each other and which situation?", I try to sound confused.

"Oh, you know what I am talking about then why didn't you come to training", he paused, "Why do I hear cars.

"I am kind of in the park near JYP"

"Wait there Han and I are coming for you"

"Oh God, why are young people so fucking stupid, why is she outside at this time and in January", I heard him say as he ended the call.

After fifteen minutes, Han and Chan were there and I entered the back of the SUV and then Chan started driving.

"It's dark so I can't talk while driving, but we will talk when we get there"

"Mhm, where are we going?"

"To the dorms, but they have been split so 3racha and Hyunjin share the first one".


And that's all we said in the car.

Soon enough we were at the dorms, and Chan asked me to sit in the living room with him and Han to go to his room.

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