Pacific Rim Crossover

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One forgotten or ignored piece of media that exists would have to be the Pacific Rim franchise, where Pacific nations from a splinter faction of the United Nations in response to four recently-occurring Kaiju ambushes. This organization is known as the Pan-Pacific Defense Corps, their purpose being to construct a new weapon known as the Jaegers, which are Kaiju-sized mechs each piloted by two pilots using their minds through a neural link required, based on the DARPA systems for fighter jets.

For those who saw the first two films and The Black, despite the existing inconsistencies in terms of the wiki's established mythology, I could say that Tresspasser might've not been headed to Mt. Fuji, but to Yellowstone, which is a volcano's caldera—a continental hotspot. There are volcanoes besides Mt. Fuji that Hundun and the kaiju that attacked Cabo San Lucas and Sydney were headed for, though maybe the cities would still need to be weakened by the kaiju to keep humanity out of the way of the Precursors' plans to colonize the Earth.

Anyway, Syfyman2XXX did have an idea involving MYTHOS utilizing a program involving four kids that are currently the MYTHOS Youth Agents(Haiku, Margo, Bumper, and Tiago), some Louds and Casagrandes, and friends of theirs.

Guardian Unit-piloted by Lincoln and Clyde, who Stella later replaces

Fist Unit-piloted by Lynn and Margo

Triple Unit-piloted by Liam, Rusty, and Zach

Shadow Unit-piloted by Lucy and Haiku

Roller Unit-piloted by Ronnie Anne and Sid

Warrior Unit-piloted by Bumper Jr. and Tiago

Angel Unit-piloted by Girl Jordan and Mollie or Rachel

It reminds me of the Jaeger program in some way, though IDK what SmokingWrecker2814 thinks of the franchise.

Anyway, I'm thinking of this crossover idea like the other ideas(LH/CG, (I guess) my twists on TheAmazingPeanuts's alt sisters continuity, my TTS continuity(and maybe others as long as the owners don't mind), Amphibia, TOH, TGAMM(maybe), Wrecker's Mako trio(and their family members if Jerry did survive), the Kraekkarians, AoS(SoL, Blood Brothers, PoW), etc.), except it's based on the Pacific Rim franchise. I wonder how they all could go up against entities like the Kaiju-Jaeger hybrids from Uprising. Specifically, the mutated drones by Shao Industries. Or perhaps hybrids based on them and Apex(The Black).

Intense ideas, and maybe I could improve the poor choices caused by Universal Studios that everyone is saying brought the franchise to ruin. Plus, I have ideas for different types of hybrids, and how they could originate and differ.

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