Chapter 4

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The death ceremony came and went and I spent most of my weeks locked away in my manner. My people were displeased with me. Less then a day as Queen and already a whole troop was lost. They wanted me to proclaim war but my mother had always longed for peace and I shared that sentiment with her. I couldn't see war as being anything but adding fuel to the fire. I paced in front of my window that looked out upon our back garden and lake. I needed to come up with something. I knew I did but I could not decide what the best move was. A soft knock sounded from my door.

"Enter" the door slowly creaked open and in walked a small petite girl with matching red kinky hair to me and freckles.

"Ailis" I breathed and walked to embrace her. Ailis and I had been dear to eachother. Ailis was my personal attendant and I'd be lying if I said she wasn't more then that to me. In all the chaos recently she had been assigned other duties in the manner. I pulled away from the hug slightly to look into her eyes and she lifted her head to close the gap between our lips.

Ailis and I had tried a relationship before but I broke thing off saying we worked better as friends. We've been off and on since though I know her feelings are deeper for me than mine for her. I would be lying if I said her kiss didn't settle me though. It was familiar. Like a stuffed toy from your childhood that you keep to soothe your wounds. I know that stringing her along is wrong but I need her right now. There is too much unknown in my life. She broke our kiss and I lowered my head into her neck as she stroked my hair.

"How are you holding up? God it was killing me that I got moved off your service." She sighed and I stepped back from her embrace.

"It was necessary though. We needed you to fill gaps." She nodded to herself.

"I know but how are you doing?" She pulled the conversation back and I sighed as I sat on my bed.

"I'm okay. I need to make a decision about what to do though. People are getting antsy."

She twiddled her fingers nervously as she looked to the ground. " I know, I've heard that some people want to take matters into their own hands." My head shot up to look at her though her eyes were anywhere but on mine.

"They want to start a war?" I asked and she nodded. I stood up rubbing my hands across my temples.

"This can't be happening. I don't know what to do. My mom would know what to do." I felt small hands circle my waist as Ailis' front pressed against my back.

"You know what to do. You know what your mom would do" she pressed a gentle kiss to my shoulder and I sighed. I did know what my mom would do. It just felt like the people wouldn't back me with such a bold move.

"Your people love you. And we trust you." Sometimes I swear Ailis could read my mind. She always knew how to settle my nerves.

"Thank you" I said, truly meaning it as I turned in her grip to look down into her green eyes. Everyone in lassiar had the same features. Red kinky hair, blushed skin, freckles, and green eyes but Ailis's eyes always caught my attention. With small flecks of gold mingling with the green, they were just about the prettiest I'd ever seen.

"Please ask Delvin to escort me to Mizu territory. I wish to leave at sundown. Have him contact Kana and tell him I will be arriving by sun up." Ailis eyes grew wide at my request and she pulled away from me furrowing her brow.

"But why go tonight and why only take Delvin. He might be our best guard but he couldn't you protect you by himself." I shook my head at her.

"I don't need the protection I'm going to barter for peace."

"Like an alliance with Mizu? They won't go for it, they're alligned with Elohi." I could see the gears frantically turning in her head but this wasn't something she needed to understand.

"Please do as I've asked. And don't mention this to Egan he does not need to be involved" hearing the more authoritative voice I put on, Ailis immediately flipped into her role as my personal attendant and bowed to me before walking to the door. As she neared the door she paused and turned back to me with a hesitant look on her face. I raised my eyebrows at her in challenge but she simply lowered her head and continued walking out of the room.

Ailis was very dear to me but she knew her place and I did not want her getting caught up in all of this. There was no need for it. Quickly I packed a sack with some essentials and changed into suitable traveling clothing. Sundown was approaching quickly and I would have a long night ahead of me.




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