Chapter 5

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Delvin and I sat on our horses at the gate of Mizu land. Mizu territory was the smallest of all the nations but they were definitely the most ruthless. Known for heinous torture techniques and lethal attacks, they held their own. From the outside of the gates I could see the familiar navy blue and gold coloring that adorned the buildings lining the city. Mizu was a built up nation with tall buildings and creative swirly architecture.

"You told Kana we'd be here at sun up?" I questioned and Delvin nodded. I sighed as I bounced my leg nervously. Slowly the gates in front of us began creaking open and butterflies kicked up in my stomach as Kana approached us on foot.

"I was surprised to hear that I would be graced with your presence today Aideen." He smirked at me and I balled my fist at my side. Mizu people all shared the same olive skin, almond shaped black eyes, and thick pin straight black hair. It was a deadly combination of traits and they always looked the most intimidating. Kana was no different. He stood to just over 6 foot tall, covered in Mizu armor. On his arms small tattoos peaked out and his hair was cut short.

"May we talk in private?" I asked and Kana took a second to look me up and down.

"Is this all the protection you brought?" He stifled a laugh as he glanced at Delvin who tightened his fist around his sword. I reached over placing my hand atop his and his eyes met mine as I shook my head at him. I returned my gazed to the amused Kana.

"Please. It won't take long." He narrowed his eyes at me and clenched his jaw before sighing.

"Very well" he turned on his heel and I dismounted and tugged my horse along before jogging to catch up to him.

As we arrived in what looked to be a conference room I felt as if the air had suddenly become thick and was struggling to make its way to my lungs.

"Well, go on then." Kana smirked at me again as he kicked his feet up to lounge on the table.

"I want to propose a truce." The room fell silent for a moment. "A t-truce between Mizu and Lassiar" I clarified. Suddenly Kana barked out a laugh and that was about the last thing I expected him to do.

"Why would I agree to something like that?" Kana asked and I fumbled with my fingers nervously.

"Lassair wants peace. We don't want war. Our nations are heading towards war. We just want to prevent that. I believe that starts with a truce between you and me." Kana narrowed his eyes at me, seemingly in deep thought.

"No." He said and rose to leave the room.

"N-no?" I asked, completely taken back that it was as simple as that. He paused at the door turning back to me.

"No." He reaffirmed. "Mizu is under contract with Elohi and I will not risk jeopardizing that because a child thinks she can negotiate world peace." He spat and I felt my face redden in embarrassment.

"I'm not a child" I argued but it came out more of a whisper then how I intended it to and Kana's smile grew cunning.

"You are in over your head little girl. You don't know what you're getting yourself into and you will crash and burn." He took a step towards me and I took several back to create space between us, suddenly feeling threatened. I also made note that Delvin was still with the horses and nowhere to be seen.

"You came onto a known enemies land with nothing but a lone soldier for protection, you left said soldier and followed me here alone, and your spouting petulant dreams of world peace." He chuckled "grow. Up." His voice was stern and the look in his eye drew fear in me. To my relief he turned on his heel and walked out of the door but not before mumbling "you have ten minutes to leave my land before my men execute you." I wasted no time making my way back to Delvin and the horses.

"Banrion. How did it go?" he asked, fidgeting with the reins of his horse. I narrowed my eyes at him, still feeling Kana's blow to my ego, and swung my leg over my own horse to mount it.

"Nothing of your concern." I clipped. I knew I was being harsh and that it was not Delvin's fault but my ego was bruised and I needed some time. Devlin nodded tightly before guiding us towards the road to trek home.

As we slowly began our journey home, I couldn't help but let my thoughts wander to what Kana had said. I knew that everyone underestimated me. I was young and yes perhaps I could be foolish sometimes, but I did not believe it to be foolish to want world peace. I considered it more foolish to not consider world peace and instead settle for what we currently had. Constantly being at war is no way to live. I want better for my people. Is that really so foolish? Before I knew what I was doing, my horse had turned to the left and I was heading in a different direction than home.

"Banrion! Home is in that direction." Delvin pointed in the direction of home and I lifted my chin as I turned my head towards him.

"Yes. Feel free to go on that direction. I have another stop to make." I could see the internal battle happening in Delvin's mind. We had been gone for a while and our journey was tiring. Plus, having only one soldier meant that my safety was solely in Devlin's hands which I could only imagine would be beyond nerve wracking. We both knew that if there was any real danger, we wouldn't stand a chance. I'm sure he viewed my statement as a challenge but I genuinely meant it. He could go home if he wanted. I would not force him to continue.

I turned back to the direction I was heading and began trotting further as I heard Devlin sigh before hearing the accompanying horse clomping along beside me. I smiled to myself. I did truly mean that he could leave but I certainly wouldn't mind the company on our journey. After all, the trek to Elohi territory was farther than the trek to Mizu.


y'all please tell me if my character photos are too much. I am just having such a blast creating them with AI but I can stop if y'all want. anywho... Here's Delvin.


Don't mind his uniform color

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Don't mind his uniform color. Lassiar uniforms are all black with red detailing but I couldn't get my AI to generate that correctly.

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