chapter 2

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I wiped my sweaty palms across the silky material of my ceremony dress. It was simple but elegant. Long full-length flowing and crimson red. my amber hair fell in kinky curls to the middle of my back and I swirled a piece around my finger nervously before tentatively straightening the dainty crown that perched atop my head.

"Banphrionsa," Egan approached, bowing slightly "If I may the honor?" he asked, outstretching a bent arm. I took a shaky breath and then with one hand hoisted my dress to walk and looped my other arm through his.

"Truly the honor is all mine, Egan. I could not imagine doing this with anyone else by my side." I whispered as Egan escorted me to the front hall of our manor. The home of the king and queen was truly massive and resided in the center of Lasiars' land. I plastered a fake elegant smile on my face as I faced my people in all their beauty. millions of them stood before me as far as the eye could see. a few feet in front of me, my mother's casket lay closed with the Lasiar flag dropped across it. millions of burgundy roses spread all around it. I couldn't seem to pull my gaze away from it. Egan placed a kiss on my cheek as making ready for his departure.

"No matter what happens, you will always be my little Aideen," Egan whispered in my ear before pulling away and bowing curtly. tears welled in my eyes and I squared my shoulds to push them away as Egan went to stand with the rest of the staff.

I stared at my people, at my land for several minutes in silence. Lassair was breathtaking and my mother made sure of that. We had beautiful cobblestone roads and modest buildings made from stone. Each house, each building, uniquely its own. Red, black, and silver could be seen across the whole nation as Lassiar flags hung on doors, walls, and flag posts.

I was in complete awe and terror at what I saw before me. Suddenly I was far too aware of my youngness and my naivety. I longed to run into my mother's arms and have her fix all of this for me. But she couldn't and never would again. So I cleared my throat and addressed my people.

"Lasair has always been my home. Not just as in the place I reside in and the powers I possess but deeper, in my soul. My entire life, I learned what it means to lead. I've learned it means putting my people first. It means forming relationships with each and every one of you. It means listening to everyone's perspective and keeping an open mind.

I had the best example anyone could have. My mother is hands down the best Banrion this land has ever seen. Her name shall be forever remembered.

I plan to follow in her footsteps. To lead with dignity and poise. You all have raised me and I will remember that. though the situation is less than ideal, our nation is on the verge of change. change so big without a strong leader we will all be left for dead.

In my mother's passing, it has become apparent to me that she had started a chain reaction in order to end the feuds between our neighboring nations. In doing so she has picked fights with nations strong enough to put us under for good.

I do not say this to worry, but to educate you. If you choose to show your loyalty today to my family and to my mother, I will not let you down." I paused as I watched the reactions ripple through the audience. many people still looking uneasy with the concept and even some unconvinced.

"what about your father? you have his blood too aye?" came a nonsense comment from somewhere in the crowd. I cringed at the implication that I was anything like him but maintained my stone-faced appearance.

"I can assure you I am nothing like my father. And he shall never step foot in Lasiar land as long as I shall live." with merely half the crowd on board, I knew I needed to sway them further my way. I needed them to know I was serious about my loyalty.

"to prove my loyalty I am prepared to proclaim an oath," I projected proudly. Gasps were heard audibly across the land. I stepped off the platform and approached my mother's casket. I picked up a single rose holding it high so everyone could see.

"Lasair, I pledge to you my loyalty. with the ashes of this rose binds an oath that proclaims over my mother, our late Banrion's life, that I am of this land flesh and blood and shall fight for this land flesh and blood until my last breath shall pass between my lips." With that I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, feeling the flames rush through my veins. The rose immediately disintegrated and the ashes floated gently landing across my mother's casket.

"Should you choose to accept my oath, I will be bound to Lasiar land until death. If I break my oath, I will be sentenced to banishment or death as seen fit by the people of Lasair. You may decide." I held my breathe while at first, nothing happened.  I was sure I was to be rejected but then slowly one by one the glow of acceptance radiated through the masses. Torch after torch was raised I became weak in the knees as relief flooded me.

Once fire as far as the eye could see spread even, my people began bowing to me. Tears silently streamed down my face as I realized I was Banphrionsa no more. For I was now Banrion; queen.

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