Chapter 1

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Sunlight poured in through my window like water. I stir slightly in bed but not quite ready to get up yet. I flip over onto my other side and peer out the window. The green grass was illuminated by the sun and the flowers were blooming since it was spring, it's a nice day out. I groan as I eventually take the blanket off me and slide out of bed. I stand there half asleep as I stare at my feet. I stumble into the bathroom and flick the light switch which in return makes the light come on with a slight buzz. I stare towards the mirror at my face, Man I look terrible. My eyes are tired and bloodshot, I have bags under my eyes, and my fur is all ruffled. I did NOT get good sleep last night. Well there was a storm. I guess that explains it. Storms always screw me up. There usually tolerable but something about last night's storm was just.... Rough. rain pounded on the windows and lighting struck like bombs. I was more worried my house would fall over than sleeping.

I try to rub the tiredness out of my eyes but it doesn't work. I walk out of the bathroom into the kitchen.
The bottles in the fridge clink as I pull the metal door open. I stare at the fridge shelves absentmindedly. I eventually shut it and walk towards my front door. I REALLY, need a wake up call. I creak open my front door and stare out over the hills. I step out, Gazing at my lotus. Catnap gave it to me. On my last birthday he had handed it to me after the party. He had said he was to afraid to give it to me during the party. I had shrugged it off and it felt kinda relatable then, but i realize now that it was kinda weird. I'm guessing it got knocked over in the storm because the clay pot was laying flat and some dirt was spilled. I sigh, better clean this u-

"Dogday heads up!"

Someone yells from my side. I turn quick enough for a soccer ball to hit me straight in the face. I stumble backwards and after stepping a third time hear a crack, than a quickly growing pain in my leg. "Ow!" I yell as I clutch my foot."Dogday! Are you ok?" Hoppy runs up asking.
I look up at the worried expression plastered on her face. "You gave me the wake up call I needed. But not in the way I intended." I groan as I look at my hand, which the fur on is stained with blood. Her gaze is drawn to my foot. "Oh my God! I'll get bubba!" She runs off. I stick my hand out towards her direction. "No hoppy! It's ok..." My words trail off as she gets far enough to not hear me. I try to stand but my foot is searing with pain. My legs quiver and I lean against the wall, trying to ignore it. "Need some help?" A voice from behind me questions. I turn around to spot my best friend. "Catnap! Hi." I forget about my foot for a minute after spotting him but the pain comes back with a burning vengeance. "Ack!" I rest my injured foot sideways on my other foot so I don't put pressure on it. Catnap sucks his teeth "quite the nasty cut you got." He says his gaze never leaving my foot. Im in to much pain to respond, I just groan and stare at my bleeding foot. "Let me help."
I look up in time to see him pick me up and swing me over his shoulder. "Hey! Catnap!" He opens my door and brings me to the counter, setting me down gently. He rummages through my cabinets for a minute before returning with three items; hydrogen peroxide, bandages, and an apple. "Why the apple?" I inquire while pointing towards it. "Oh this? For you." He hands the shiny red apple to me. "Oh. Thanks!" I put it to my lip and take a big bite, but it was a ruse. The moment I take a bite he pours peroxide on my foot. I yell in pain but it's muffled by the apple still in my mouth. Nice one catnap.

After he puts peroxide on he wraps it neatly in bandages and helps me off the counter. "See? Wasn't so bad." He says, a smirk on his face. "That hurt!" I say with a whine in my voice. He chuckles. "I know it did. Tasty apple?" I frown at him. A few seconds later my door bursts open, me and catnap both jump as hoppy comes running in with bubba following. Bubba grabs me and sets me on the counter. "His foot was bleeding all over!" Hoppy says frantically. "Don't worry! I, bubba bubbaphant, will take care of, dogdays, injury." His words fade to mumbles as he looks at the neatly wrapped bandages on my foot. He looks up at me. "What happened?!" He questions. I begin To speak but catnap Interrupts me. "I already helped him." He says with a smug look. Bubba sighs. "Alright whatever." He huffs as he leaves my house, half slamming the door on the way out. the room is silent. But I break the silence with the phrase; "he seems grumpy."

"Please catnap, don't do this."

"I'm sorry dogday, I must."


My foot feels so much better. When bubba wraps up my injuries it usually hurts for a few days. But catnap, he healed me in a span of an hour. Strange. I run across the hill. Jumping to catch the plastic orange flying disc. "Got it!" I yell as I reach up... Apparently I don't got it. The wind catches it and It flies over me into some bushes. I dart towards the bushes and rummage through them to find it. "Hurry dogday throw it back!" Hoppy complains from a bit behind me. "Just a sec!" I yell back. Where is that stupid thing? I stick my hand farther into the bush, past branches and what I assume to be a cobweb and my fingers brush a plastic object. I grip it and pull it out of the bush. "Got it!" I yell to hoppy. "Than throw it already!" She complains while tapping her foot."get ready, yah!" I yell and swing my arm to throw. "Hey dogday."

"Yipe!" I yell as I turn to face catnap with a once again sudden appearance. "Geez catnap you scared me." I say chuckling as I clutch my heart. "Well, what are you waiting for?" I tilt my head. "What?"

"Throw it."

I look at the disc in my hand. "Oh yeah." I toss it to hoppy. It glides in the wind, flying towards the green bunny. "So, what do you need?" I ask catnap, criss crossing in the grass and smiling. I feel an object suddenly start to coil around my waist. I peer down to see catnaps tail wrap around me.


As the sun starts to set. I walk towards my house. It growing bigger in the distance as I get closer. Suddenly, I drop of water hits my nose. I stop in my tracks and look up at the gray sky and see rain start to fall. Great. I break into a run wanting to get home soon as possible. I crash through my door and slam it behind me, dripping wet and breathing heavy. "Well. Here we go again."
I walk over to the living room and flop onto the squishy cushions of my couch and sigh.
My eyelids are heavy and I'm starting to fall asleep.....
But then there's a knock at the door.

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