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Haerin's pov.

I woke up on time this time. I'm now eating breakfast while scrolling to tik tok. "What do you want Danielle marsh"

I just don't know why she wants to get to know me. I'm not even that interesting. My life is pretty boring to be honest.

I get up and get out of my house since it's a good time to go. While I was walking I saw the building.

I walked in "oh hey Kang Haerin here is your badge we forgot to give it to you yesterday" I heard Kazuha say. I took it "oh okay thanks"

I continue to walk to the elevator to the second floor since I have to be there. When I got out of the elevator I heard someone yelling "KANG HEARIINN"

I turned around to where the sound was coming from. I saw Hanni running to me with her arms open. When she reached me she hugged me super tightly.

"Haerini I missed you!!" She said while fake crying still hugging me. "I can't breathe..".

She immediately let go "I'm so sorry" I just nodded. "Anyway we have to get to work come on" she then took my arm and dragged me to the set we had to work on.

We got to work and I saw Hanni looking at someone. She was looking at minji "um Hanni" she didn't respond she was probably too busy looking at minji.

"Hanni" no reaction again. "HANNI!" She jumped in surprise. "Geezes haerin what!?" I then gave her a look that said really.

"What?" Still clueless "you where looking at you're future girlfriend" when I said that she turned red.

"SHE ISN'T MY GIRLFRIEND!" I just nodded "I said future girlfriend not just girlfriend" she just acted mad.

Then minji walked over "hey Hanni everything okay?" Hanni turned to her immediately. "Oh i yeah I-I'm fine" she said blushing.

"Really cause I heard you scream" Hanni then immediately turned to me. "Oh you!" She then ran after me while I ran for my life.

"CIME HERE YOU!!" I kept on running then I looked back to see an angry Pham following me.

I then bumped into someone"oh I am so sorry" I said while looking at the person. Hanni catched up with me "I got you!" I immediately sprinted away.

"Come back KANG HAERIN I WILL GET YOU" she then ran to me. She eventually caught up with me. "Got you know" she then gave me a slap.

"Ow.." she looked proud and walked away. Wait who was the person I bumped into? I just shrugged it off and went back to making the set.

When are now done with the set. "Hey haerin you have break now you can go into hm that room" Hanni said and pointed I nodded.

I went into the room and sat down at a table there where other people there to but I don't like socialising so I just sat alone.

I got my lunch and started eating. I'm very bored today there isn't that much to do honestly. I mean Hanni is a great friend.

I finished my lunch but now I don't know what to do. Then Kazuha came to me with papers. "Hey haerin I know you're on break but can you bring this to Danielle's office?"

I took the papers and nodded. I then went to the elevator and went to her floor.

Once I was at the floor I went to her office and knocked on the door. "come in" could be heard from inside the room.

I got in and just placed the papers on her desk. "these are some papers I had to bring from Kazuha I'll be going now"

I didn't look at her but I did fell her staring at me. I turned around "hey where are you going don't you have break now?" How does she know that?

I just nodded and continued to walk. "Wait haerin turn around come back please" I really don't want to be here for some reason.

I turned around but didn't walk to her desk. "Do you need something?" She then scoffed"come here haerina" I just gulped "why, did something bad happen?"

"Well yeah cause you bumped into me" oh damn it I bumped into her really. "Oh I-im so sorry"

I started to panick a bit what if she fires me damn it.

"I will be going now and sorry again" I hurried out there. "Don't forget after you're shift to come here!" Could be heard out of the room.

Oh yeah damn it.

Author's note

This chapter is rushed so sorry if I made some mistakes.

Have a good day byee!!

That One Staff Member |daerinHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin