Emotional Chemistry

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Oda and I sat on the ground until the light dimmed and the orange sun morphed the stained glass colors. The once distant feeling of familiarity filled the air of Lazz City and I finally understood what called the Culvandi's to this place. The smell of food filled the temple hall, followed shortly by the sounds of soft footsteps. 

"Tonight, we celebrate with a feast!" Nari called out from down the hall. 

Oda got up and lent his hand to me, lifting me off of the ground. Even after I was fully off the ground, Oda held my ringed hand in his. He was nearly unable to take his eyes off of the ring, only briefly beaming a still shocked smile at me. 

"Are you going to stare at me the whole time?" I teased him as I leaned in closer. 

"I'll let you in on a little secret," he smiled,  "I always have, but I just was a bit more secretive before."

Sivero filled the kitchen air with cheerful whistling as he set the table. Across the table sat a venison pie with fresh bread and beans. Small sweets smelling of almonds and rosewater, coated in sugar, lined a tray. Atop each sweet sat candied fruits. 

"Nari, you didn't have to make something so nice for us! You know we'll have to repay you!" Oda exclaimed as he hugged the priestess. 

"The only repayment I need is to be one to marry you two!" she nearly squealed, "You come home a KNIGHT and propose to the loveliest maiden you could have found! I can't think of occasion that is more worth a measly meal like mine!"

As we ate, Nari questioned us about our journey further, looking to squeeze every detail out of us. Each bite of food melted in my mouth, filling it with flavors sweet and savory. The priestess' cooking took me back to the night when I met my new family and filled me with gratitude. 

"What will we do tomorrow? I can't imagine anything in Lazz City comparing to your adventures," Nari asked eagerly. 

"We have to go speak with Lord Luc. We were sent here by Lord Bastian and Laurent," I answered in between bites. 

"Oh... Gaining an audience with our Lord may be more difficult than you think," Nari admitted sheepishly, "He hasn't been... well... As of recent, the Marquess has called upon every healer in the kingdom. Even I tried my hand, but I couldn't stop his fitful sleep."

"He can't sleep, so he can't speak with his subjects?" Oda scoffed as he rolled his eyes. 

"He claims that there are snakes in his bed and a fox that sits in his window, staring at him," the priestess explained further, "I feel something is deeply wrong, but I can't get any exact answers from the gods other than being told to be patient."

"Lord Luc may be in danger," I stated firmly, "if the snake are already in his bed, that is."

"You're looking at the fox," Oda pointed as he took all of our empty plates. 

I retold the tale of my grandfather's dream, which mimicked his son's dream. Nari began to rub her forehead, now fully understanding how deep seeded the problems were. 

"For tonight, we can't worry. We've celebrated and now we must rest to prepare the day ahead of you all," Nari escorted us to a guest quarters. 

The guest room was located in the basement of the church and contained a pair of beds. Nari pulled an additional cot out of storage room at the end of the hall. The humble room was filled with furniture that was likely as old as the pews above. A single candle was enough to light the room, sitting on the edge of cabinet near the door and filled the room was a moving glow.

"I'll leave you all to rest," the priestess said as she began to close the door, "I am so happy I've gotten to see you at least one more time."

Sivero quickly claimed one of the beds and Oda moved the cot closer to the other bed. After I took off my armor and sat it on the nightstand next to be bed, Oda placed his on top of mine. He kissed my hand softly before I crawled into bed. Although the bed was old, there was undeniable comfort that enveloped me. From the floor, I could hear the faint humming of the same song that had once summoned flower petals. The song set into motion wedding day dreams as I slept. 

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