I wish i could be forgiven

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Mr puzzles realizes his mistakes, and wishes he could be forgiven after what he had done. All he wanted was some friends.

Takes place after puzzlevision movie.

Mr Puzzles was knocked into the stratosphere, until landing somewhere a bit far away, somewhere in a forest.

He got back into his human form after regaining a signal. He looked down at his 5 star necklace, or what was a 5 star necklace. He sighed. "Why couldn't.." he just took off his necklace and threw it who knows where. He thought of what he did.

He tortured that entire group of friends. For his show that inevitably failed? He knew it was stupid he knew he was taking a risk.

His childhood was horrible. He had no parents and basically took care of himself with an old tv and a run down home. He did eat but it was stolen food so he would be able to eat. Until he decided to make shows. Cutting off his own head and replacing it with a tv (don't ask me how he did it, idk)

He pointed his finger gun at his face and shot a beam towards it, repairing the destroyed screen that smg4 had smashed. He dusted himself off and found a paper and pen that had spawned from a plot convenience portal and starting writing an apology letter.

Dear SMG4 crew,

I know this may seem like another letter to cause chaos, but I mean no harm. I have truly realised what I have done. I just wanted to make my own show, but I had fallen too much off the edge. I sincerely apologize for my actions towards you and hope you'll forgive me. After all that I don't believe you will but.... Take it your way. If you do accept it, I'd appreciate to know it and it would be a weight off my shoulders, write a letter to *insert Mr puzzles old home address*

Sincerely, Mr Puzzles 📺

He folded it neatly into a letter, plastering his iconic TV stamp and had written it to the showgrounds. He also had written on the letter a singular word.


He closed the letter and went to a post office, delivering it. He walked off to his old home to sit in silence. Maybe he could get a letter back.


SMG4 and his crew were all together still recovering from the puzzlevision incident. "OOO LOOK SMG4 A LETTER! ITS TO US!"" Mario said waving the letter in the air. Everyone gathered around smg4 when he took the letter and looked at it. "It's from that tv asshole." SMG3 said. "I think we should give it a chance, it says apology on the front!" Tari said. Smg4 opened it and read it out loud to everyone.

Smg4 sighed as he closed it. "I think I should write a letter back. Didn't he mention in his song he had a bad childhood?"  Bob, Boopkins, SMG3, Tari, and Meggy nodded. Smg4 went up to his room to grab a pencil and a paper and wrote the following.


Dear Mr Puzzles

Though my friends have not fully forgiven you, we would like to take pity on you. You did mention you had quite the bad childhood. Seeing how you have apologized after doing so much has surprised me. But please I beg you to not do that to other people again. I also may of not have fully forgiven you but a letter shouldn't be left unresponded to.

Sincerely, SMG4

He walked over to the post office after writing all the stuff he needed to write and dropped it off.


He sat in silence just sad, he was depressed at the fact his tv show failed, he still had no friends, and what he did. Until he heard a truck stop, and then leave after a minute. He checked his mail and grabbed the letter. He opened it and read it as he walked back inside.

He sighed and felt that he had been forgiven for now.
He's gonna try again, but not by torturing people.

The end.

A/N I really did think the man just wanted to make a tv show, he also said in the song, "I COULDNT FIND ANYBODY TO BE MY BUDDY!" Or something I don't remember. But yea, bye now, my fingers hurt 😄

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