Chapter 8

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Duty calls. It's what my life has come down to. Duty, responsibilities, callings, paperwork. . . meetings. So many meetings. Alpha meetings, Council Meetings, Hearings, Punishments - both privately and publicity.

I was starting to become a hostage in my own palace. Alpha King, Sloane Dagger - it used to be a name that I was proud to wear.

A name that every first born son in my lineage had carried, but now, it's just become a name that my packs knew and the name that I signed on documents I either approved or denied.

"You should be proud of everything you've done for the packs, Sloane. You are King. That's an honor." — Chief, my wolf, says.

It's an attempt to make me feel better, I know that, but it doesn't do much to quell the rapidly growing problem.

What was the point in being King without having my mate by my side? I've dreamed of the day I would find them. What they would look like, sound like, smell like.

What color would their eyes be? How big would their smile be? Would it light up a room and my heart at the same time? Would they be kind and gentle and compassionate? Or would they be rough around the edges?

Scarred or untouched? Rough or smooth? Damaged or sheltered? Would I have to help them in ways that were incomprehensible?

Had they been hurt in the past? Were they rogue or did they belong to a home pack? Alpha blood, Beta, Gamma or Omega?

Soft-spoken with hands that could heal anything they touched? Eyes that could bore into one's soul with just a glance. Heart that could mend any broken piece?

Would they need me? Would they allow me to be their mate? Did they even want a mate? Were they looking for me as hard as I was looking for them?

"I don't know which question to answer first or even if you want my opinion on the matter, but I'm sure our mate wants us just as much as we want them, Sloane. And when we find them, they will melt into our arms and we will finally be complete."

I can't help but hope that's true. It's been nine years since Alpha Apollo's coronation. Nine years since I laid eyes on the back of my mate, battered and broken in the forest.

I saw him from across the lake and went to run to him, but a handful of men came running out before I could reach him. I remember Chief lending me his strength and us running as fast as we could, but it didn't help much. The men were faster - almost naturally so - and they grabbed my mate before I could reach him.

I'd felt it. The marking. The unwanted marking. The fact that one of those shit stains tore into my mate's neck and tried to claim what was mine.

It forced me to drop to my knees. It was painful - the way he'd fought against the marking, but it brought me some relief knowing that he had.

That whoever marked my mate wouldn't get the chance to claim him in any other way because he'd rejected their claim.

For now, that's what I was holding onto. That my fated was still out there somewhere, marked and in pain, but he was waiting for me.

Sure he didn't know who I was, but he refused to accept another's mark. That gave me comfort in all of this.

Alpha Apollo's coronation night was a night to remember for a handful of us. Not only had Apollo lost his fated and felt him marked wrongfully as well, but I had felt the same thing, along with Alpha Kairos and his chosen mate, Alpha Cruze, feeling their fated not only marked wrongfully, but stripped of his wolf.

How could three different Alphas from three different packs - all running along the Golden River - peaceful packs, wealthy packs, known for their kind hearted Alphas. They were giving, nurturing, caring and very welcoming - all had their mates taken from them in one way or another.

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