Chapter 9

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4 chapter update!! Go back and read chapter 6-8 before reading this one! 😍🍾

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"You ready, Bebe?"

When I hear that, I glance over my shoulder to see my mate standing in the doorway of our bedroom, holding two dufflebags.

I can't help but smile at the shirt he'd decided to wear today. It was the same one he'd wore when I first met him.

"I'm ready." Closing the last of my bags, I grab them off the bed and head towards the door, leaning in to briefly capture those swollen lips.

When we connect, I growl and so does Boss, loving the scent of my essence still on Cruze's lips.

"Do I still smell like you?" He asks when we part, noticing my reaction. "I brushed twice and used mouthwash."

Obviously that wasn't enough. "Don't clean my scent off anymore than you already have, Cruze. These males need to know you're taken."

That only makes him roll his eyes as he bumps past me which makes me chuckle. "Your mark will show that, Kairos. I don't need to be covered in your scent for them to know I'm taken."

"Difference of opinion." — Boss interjects, watching the way Cruze's ass bounces in the dark blue jeans he'd decided to wear today.

It sure was. If it were up to Cruze, he wouldn't carry my scent 24/7 because it embarrassed him. Everyone could tell who was doing what in our sex life, considering who had the most love bites and who was scent marked.

But if it were up to me and Boss, Cruze and Vedo would be drenched in us every second of everyday.

"Sweetheart, you shouldn't worry about that shit," I tell him, placing my bags in the trunk beside his. I close it and then face him. "You're my mate. Whatever the fuck we do in the bedroom shouldn't be anybody else's business."

Cruze only shrugs as he moves towards the passenger door. "But it is when they can smell you all over me. Or when they see all of these," he pulls at the collar of his shirt to reveal the multitude of marks. "You're savaged when we're alone and I love that, Bebe, but when I have to face the pack or the King or the Council or a Region full of Alphas and their Betas, I'd rather not be covered in all of you."

I should take offense to that but I don't.

When Cruze turns around and tries to open the passenger door, I swat his hand away and open it for him.

Of course my mate sucks his teeth and rolls his eyes again, but he climbs in and allows me to close the door for him.

Running around to the driver's side, I climb in and Cruze hands me the keys. I take a moment to adjust the radio and fix my seat before responding to my mate.

"Maybe if you'd stopped jumping on my cock every night, you wouldn't be covered in me," I tell him with a smile that he tries to fight but eventually mirrors. "It's not my fault you're insatiable. I'm just doing my part and feeding my mate what he's obviously so starved for."

Cruze bites his bottom lip, those brown eyes hooding slightly before he turns towards the window. "I'm not starved."

"Man please," I say dramatically, pulling out the driveway. "You practically mauled me last night," he snorts. "You're lucky all I gave you was three bites. Boss wanted to do a whole lot more."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22 ⏰

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