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I started the journey walking away from the house and down a small hill to find Ameer's bike that she hid from her mom I moved off all the leafs and twigs and picked it up brushing it off and pushed it up the small hill and on the sidewalk hoping on it and started pedaling down the neighborhood wondering where to go, how can I get to my body that's in another universe? But I need to calm down and change Ameer's identity... I need hair dye.. scissors, and probably some make up, should've seen it we could do that at the house but I don't have time for some reason my body is still throbbing maybe because we left the hospital with her wound not healed completely... But I don't feel anything from there anymore. I shook my head and kept pedaling i don't have time to check I just need to get her changed completely and get my body and place back. And I'm gonna find my wife and daughter... But one thing for sure is.. Ameerleena is gonna love Ameer.
I ride the bike down the street and stopped near a store hiding her bike in a bush and walk inside... Wigs... Wigs EVERYWHERE... I breathed slowly and looked around and seen hair dye! Yes!
I walked down the section to see what should I dye her hair.. but people are probably going to be after me so I need to trick them... If I can.. I grabbed red, pink, and blue hair dye and grabbed some skin color stuff whatever it is to hide these beauty marks on her forehead. I bought the stuff and walked out, picking up the bike and back on it again riding down the sidewalk with the buy of hair dye. After a while of riding around buying some stuff and ripping up all the recent I got and poured water all over it till it soaked and became nothing but soggy clumps.

I woke up to find myself in some random woods wrapped up in a blanket with my head on a pillow with a see through golden arm holding me I knew that arm from anywhere, I looked back and saw Teabag fast asleep holding me close his see through body glew in the moonlight... And it reminded me of what I saw in my dream... In the moon? Where the sun was brought to life? You've seen me once but will I stay... What does that... Mean?... Is... Theodore never coming back.. is was him.. I think? I can't remember much yet both him and that lady sounded familiar... I wanted to ask about it but decided to wait till he wakes up. But for right now I snuggled up into his arms to him holding me closer as we slept the cold night away.

It was early in the morning when I woke up seeing Theo getting a bucket a water and walking back to me surprised to see me awake.
"Good morning Buggie"
"Good morning Teabag how did you sleep?"
"Good, and you?"
I watched him place the bucket of water down gesturing me to come here.
"I slept good" I stretched yawning and slowly stands up to walk over to him while he handed me a hand towel.
"That's good baby, here go wash up behind that tree and bushes alright?"
He pointed with his thumb behind a tree with tall bushes.
. . . .ohhhh g r e a t. I still have to clean myself... In the woods... Where people might see.
"... I'll stay by your side and I'll make sure no one sees ya now go own. Just wash up with water don't worry about soap"
I took the hand towel that was handed to me as he also handed me a pair of clothes. I took them as well and went behind a bush he told me to hide at, and I began to undress and scrubb my body with a soaked towel I was expecting it to be cold but it was warm surprisingly. After I finished I squeezed out the water out of the hand towel and used it to get most of the water off before yelping as I felt a big towel wrapped around me seeing Theo with his eyes closed petting me and walks behind the tree and bushes drying myself off and put on my clothes.
"Finished! Also where are we?"
"Far from your house"
"..da- Teabag?"
"....yea?" I walked around from the bushes and tree as he took up everything and walked to the bucket to wash my clothes as he listened to me.
"...what are you the god of?"
"Oh- uhm.. I'm the god of the eclipse"
"Really?! I've never seen an eclipse before! I mean I've been to one but I was in school and we didn't get to see it- where you the one who made the eclipse?! Like make them move?"
"Oh naw I didn't do all that stuff I don't control it really I do make sure they stay in a right amount of time because if the moon stops moving the earth could end up in a bad shape."
"Oh.. why would the moon stop?"
"Because it's.. slowly getting pulled into the sun and if it got pulled in both the moon and sun will explode but if the moon doesn't move at all then it will end up in the earth freezing"
"Yea... That's why I need help to get both my body and place back as God that's why I need your help.."
"...why, why me?"
"Because... You have powers"
"If this supposed to be some act? For a movie?"
I hear him chuckle shaking his head.
"Sadly no, I wouldn't mind being famous though."
"But what power do I even have?"
"Levitation, healing and moon phantom hearing..."
".....what? What do you mean?! I thought it was only levitation?! What do you mean healing? And what is... Moon phantom hearing!?"
"The first one I seen was the moon phantom one it's where every night you hear things no one else can you can hear voices of dead animals dead phantoms, phantoms that are dangerous, that's how you ended up in two mental hospitals you were hearing things no one else did"
...what was happening why did I hear them? So I'm not crazy? But I've never heard of a power like that...
"I don't know why you have that but you do.. and the levitation well from the hospital and the healing... Well..."
Theodore pointed to my abdomen where I got shot and seen he took of the bandages already when I was asleep and seen I was completely healed no trace of the wound to be found. It scared me yet it was so excited to me I don't know why.
"I don't know how to do levitation or moon phantom hearing but I know about healing and if you work more with it you might find something useful about it there's different kinds of healing, to animals to humans to plants to anything else and yours could be any of them but just because it heals you doesn't mean you can heal humans that power belong to you so it's gonna work for you, are you going to be ok?"
... no but.. yes? I'm so confused about everything especially with- oh! The dream! ...but.. what that man said that looks just like Theodore.. 'You've seen me once but will I stay' I don't understand but it sounds like he'll leave me.. I don't want that he's.. he's.. important! He's my dad! I can't loose him I don't want to! I can't tell him yet.
"Yea- I am I hope, but what about you?"
"Me? Well, I have powers but without my body I can't use them"
But I thought it was the other way around.
"But I thought the soul is the one with all the power?"
"It's like that for some, my powers weren't born with me I've earned them from learning about myself and everything around me"
"Really? Will I be able to have the same thing?"
"I don't know, I guess we'll just have to see, but for right now let's try and relax and eat for a bit alright?"
"Yea sure" I smiled satisfied I can't lose him he's very special just like... Mama..
I watched as Theo put everything up placing the bucket next to us and then took out a wrapped up container of rice, steak and veggies with.. mushrooms! Yes! I took Theo's hand as we walked in a long circle while talking and eating just a normal walk in the woods but after we got done eating Theo handed me a jar and told me to have fun and catch some bugs and that's exactly what I did running and rolling around to find bugs laying in the grass staying as still as possible while Theo went back to grab my backpack and head over back to me.

I sat down under a tree as I watched Ameer catch some bugs I chuckled as she ran around, fell, waited and catch bugs and she went back and forth catching a lot she showed me a stick bug, lady bug, caterpillars, moths,  Beatles, ....ugh a.. slug.. cute, I hate those things especially how the fell but I would never kill one.. for Buggie.
"Teabag wanna hold it?"
I watched her hold up a slug to me. Oh hell no nope
I seen her grin and I got up and ran.
She yelled playfully.
I saw her get closer I'm more slower without my body and I thought it wouldn't matter but right now  IT DOES. MATTER...
"It doesn't bite! >:[ "
I stopped grabbing her arms and whispered.
"It's. Slimy. And. Disgusting."
"But you're a god-"
"everyone has fears even gods"
. . . . .it was quiet and still and before I could say anything I freaked out falling to the ground forcing my face into ground I couldn't break anything so it didn't matter I just laid there disgusted, that little bug girl threw that slimy damn thing at me. I'ma get her back you little bug lover.

As we stared at each other I threw the slug in his face and watched him freak out I got worried he slammed his face into the ground and just... Went limp.
I laid down next to him.
"You ok? I'm sorry I shouldn't have threw it at you I won't do it again"
I heard him mumble but I didn't understand what he was saying i watched him slowly look at me and spit dirt in my face.
"HAHAHA- GOT YOUR *SS~ heheheh~"
I Screamed rolling away and wiped the spit dirt off my face I laughed with him trying to make sure there was nothing else on my face.
I didn't get him back I just thought it was funny I jumped on him hugging him laughing as he groaned turning over and holds me as we both laughed together and after that we relaxed in a field of grass out in the open and even joked about everything laughing ourselves to sleep it took a lot out of us for some reason maybe because of.. the whole hospital and everything.. I'm glad I have someone by my side it's more better then alone Theodore was already asleep and I was starting to fall asleep with him so I hugged him laying my head on his chest as we slept together till midnight came we loved to sleep a lot we were both house cats that's if I could stop waking up to hearing voices most nights, I woke up with Theodore deep asleep and me looking around in the now dark field and something... Crawling through the bushes.. with white bright irises... Staring.. at.. me.

You've Seen Me Once But Will I Stay?Where stories live. Discover now