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Me and Teabag were running through a stream trying at night untill we ran into a large tree more bigger then any tree I've ever seen and Teabag came up from behind looking up at it... And he dropped my backpack and started climbing I was in disbelief what was he doing?
"Hold on baby I'm tryna see somethin"
"GIRL- I can't die!"
. . . .he can't?
"Oh- . . .okie dokie!" I sat down on a root of the tree looking around before I catch myself running after crickets and catching them while teabag kept climbing. A new song popped up every few minutes and it was my favorite song Bud Like You. I loved AJR they have the best songs! I started to sing and Teabag joined.
"Way up, way up way up to the sky! When everybody here is sneaking in and getting high!"
"Way up, way up way up to the moon!! Boy it's good to know I've got a bud like you!!"
We kept singing song after another my favorite song artist is AJR and his is Khalid.
I'd be spinning and singing while I watched Teabag hanging upside by his legs on a high branch singing with me. And that night had to be the best night ever he helped me climb trees we run through the grass doing cartwheels, backflips and rolling down a hill through dirt and mud at each other, we'd be collecting leafs to sneak attack and throw them at each other and tackle every now and then getting dirty we soon found a park and swinging up high as much as we could singing our hearts out, well my heart and his soul. We started spinning over and over again on the mary-go-round as we both flew off of it a few times laughing at each other till we couldn't breathe. We took a break eating cookies while Teabag made sure I brushed my teeth after eating them so much has happened already and it is amazing. After all that playing we were walking along a dirt road while I'm sitting on Teabag's shoulders, it would be weird to see a girl just sitting on air floating and moving as if riding an invisible car.
Soon we were back on that tall tree and Teabag wanted me to jump off, and we both know I'm deadly afraid of heights it was beautiful the more I didn't think about it but having to jump off wanted to make me pass out on the spot.
"I would rather die.."
"Ok then, jump-"
I slowly stared at him he really wasn't kidding.
"...can... You jump with-"
I didn't even have time to finish what I was about to say he wrapped his arms around me and he jumped off in an instant I started screaming and he made me close my eyes and told me to swipe my hands and I did and in a matter of seconds we were hovering off the ground but I only cried and Teabag held me apologizing and comforting me I know I'm weak and a cry baby but I've never done this before... Apart from... Being swung on that big....swing... Things in a amusement parks it was terrifying, I remember having a friend I went with and I Screamed and cried the whole time on the ride... The thing is she said she would hold my hand and she never did I even wanted to reach for it but couldn't find her hand because I had my eyes closed and also because I was to scared to let go of the chains that's holds us and after we got off her dad told me he heard me all the way from the other side of the amusement park but after that I wanted to get on a horror ride thing because I loved horror but she didn't but luckily her dad made it fair said if she made me get on that ride that scared me half of death she had to get on a ride I wanted to get on that she didn't like. and we did........karma ( •-•).
After a while I calmed down though and Teabag held me the whole time but I've never realized we were still hovering and after that we both realized if I had something on my mind my levitation powers would stay on but if I have nothing on my mind and is relaxed it wouldn't work.
We ran into an abandoned neighborhood we chose a house and started to clean it up there was a lot of nasty stuff and couldn't really clean the beds so we threw them out and kept cleaning for the rest of the time being. A month has passed already and we're having the house look better we got a bed we're both of us can sleep on separately, we got some tools and worked on the broken doors and even did a lot to have the toilet completely germ free and now good to use! I helped as much as I could there were stores close by so why Theodore worked on the house I went out to buy groceries and some more clothes for me.. all the clothes I just bought with my.. mom... Gone... To waste:'D
I stayed focused while Teabag got the refrigerator working and placed the groceries that needed to be in the cabinet and refrigerator, he sure does work fast or is it because he don't really need sleep? After all that I had to use the bathroom, no more ✨outside business✨ but before I did I seen myself in the broken mirror... My hair...
I heard him rush upstairs dropping everything and burst through the bathroom with a hammer.
"What happened?!"
I turned to him in disbelief
"My hair is red?!"
"Oh right I forgot to mention I dyed your hair red and don't worry if anyone was to start looking for ya I bought a pink and blue hair and of course red. I mixed the pink and blue one to make purple and destroyed one of the containers, mixing all the purple I'm water from the bucket I found them dumped it all out to make it seemed like someone bought purple dye and used it then I destroyed that container I've also ripped up the receipt and soaked it till it was nothing but clump I of course dumped all the red dye out too so I hope we're all good-" he did all that?
"Ok so I have red hair for the rest of my life?"
"Till your 18 I heard they'll stop looking for ya at that age"
"But how will I dye my hair back the same color?"
"...I don't know I'm a god I don't know that much-"
"I'm a curious god what can I say dear?"
"Mmmmmm. Ok ok but can you please leave I gotta go..."
Teabag quickly left the bathroom closing the door I know I heard him say no. . But- ah nevermind.
Walked out the bathroom after finishing and walked downstairs to see what Teabag was doing and yes I washed my hands I hate being sick too.
I find Teabag sitting on the floor, I looked over his shoulder to see him trying to work on an outlet having all the tools he needed.
"Where did we ever get this much money?"
"Every night while you're asleep I took control made some sandwiches I used to buy with our money and sold some to other people- also there's the ground that just gives some away for free"
".... right- wait- what if the people who might-"
He cut me off, maybe because he knew how much I'd overthink.
"You were wearing a face mask and glasses and sense I was in control your voice was much deeper so I think you'll be fine also I just gave people random names every name I gave them was different-"
"How much money did you make from doing that?"
"Uhhmm-.... Like... Probably 112?"
"The ground was helpful too"
"Oh right-"
"Also some people just seen a random young girl walking by herself and just offered you money so it's a win win"
I smiled in relief and sat down next to him to help pass him any tools he needed and after finishing up me and him laid out in the backyard, I was drinking Snapple flavored apple and eating a neutral grain bar and we just stared up at the stars wondering what I was gonna do once he found his body and has his place back as God... 'you've seen me once but will I stay?'
Teabag... What do you mean...

You've Seen Me Once But Will I Stay?Where stories live. Discover now