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It was staring at me and I was staring back to afraid to look away. It started to slowly come closer even though it was close it still felt like it could attack me in a matter of seconds I held onto Theod- I quickly looked down.
"Teabag?! Daddy!?"
He wasn't there suddenly disappeared I looked back with a jolt and a screech of fear, the creature was right in my face every time I had nights like this they were only outside of my house meaning they couldn't get in if all the doors and windows were closed but now that I wasn't no where I could be safe and lock myself in to be face. I started breathing heavily crying out staring at him.
"Daddy!" I cried out. No response it slowly got closer I could feel it's breath against my face as I trembled crying. It's black eyes with white eyes staring at me terrified me. It was so skinny so thin and boney. It had a human like body with blood fingers and mouth it's teeth crooked with grey skin and head barely even having hair... It... Reminded me of something... A-
It's mouth open. and in an instant Theo came it and kicked it hard in it's face.
"Baby! Run it's a skinwalker!!"
I flinched panicking and moved away as it screeched and slowly turned into a human voice crying out for help as Theodore hit at it's head with the bucket picking me up and runs off into the forest and I held onto him closing my eyes and soon I heard the skinwalker running on all fours keeping it's eyes... Only... On me screaming out with a straight face.
"HELP ME.. HELP... ME!!"
I cried into Theo's arm as it screamed to me it was screeching but to Theo it was whispering barely able to hear it he didn't even know it was talking I heard it too loud and clear... Moon phantom hearing... Tonight's a full moon and there it is running and running to get closer wanting to get closer it knew I could hear it clearly as I tried to block out the screaming it made. So it screamed louder and louder but it didn't change with Theo and we ran and ran for what felt like hours it wasn't tired one bit.. dad what do I do.. I have the power to hear it... I... I slowly looked up at it and screamed back at it.
as soon as I said that it slowed down slowly as we got father and father and soon it stopped but we didn't... And after that we ran away and escaped from it now running down the street the only thing that was heard was Theo's loud breathing sense he barely heard it he couldn't tell if it stopped or not but was was confused and why I screamed because I scared him.
"Ameer what it is doing?!?!"
" stopped!.."
He stopped and looked back it wasn't there because he already ran away from it he was confused.
"Baby what happened where did it go?!"
"It didn't go anywhere you already ran from it.." I said quietly as he watched me tremble in fear he placed down the backpack and kneeled down and hugs me tightly while trying to hold his breath while I held him back I just stared off into the distance wondering why it stopped wondering if we should go back to it but he already read my mind from how I looked picking up the backpack and me keeping me over his shoulder.
"We're not going back. No way in hell are we going back."
I got surprised but didn't stop him as he walked away I wondered if he could read my mind doesn't that mean he knows about the dream I had of him and that lady?... No.. no- we doesn't of he did he would've said something... Right?... Yet if it's something personal he would stay quiet.
"Daddy... Are you ok?"
"Yea I was scared half to death you wouldn't move and I couldn't see what you were looking at so I went to get the bucket to throw water on yea but that.. ewgah! That disgusting thing was in your face.. was that what you were looking at?! Did it say something to ya?"
"Oh.. uh.. no not really.." I didn't want to talk so I held onto him as we walked down the street.
"D*mn! We left the bike! But I guess we wouldn't really need it do you Buggie?"
I shook my head no slowly and he stayed quiet as we walked down the night of the street and everything was so quiet.. for him. There were so many voices from every direction I heard all of them.. and I listened... Till I fell back asleep.

I felt Ameer fall back asleep and held her in my arms while she hid her face in my neck, I sighed in exaughstion she was freezing cold so I took out her jacket and put it on her rubbing her back hoping she gets warm.
I walked for hours and she was already having a nightmare from what I know she always has nightmares after these phantom sightings and she woke up screaming and crying I held her close to me.
"Hey hey! Look at me it's just me baby you're alright nothing ain't gonna hurt ya ok? I'm here and I'm never gonna let you guys hurt and I'm never gonna leave you.. alright?"
She cried and held onto me tighter so I rubbed her back and hummed a lullaby I used to sing to my baby girl before we got sperated I could barely even remember what she looked like.
I hummed and hummed.
"Teabag... What lullaby is that?.."
I suddenly heard her ask.
"Ah.. it's.. uhm a song I used to sing to ... someone"
"Can you sing it to me.. please?.."
I chuckled shyly I wasn't the best at singing and I don't know if she'll even like it but she's already dealing with enough. I breathed slowly and began to sing while I continued to walk.
"Here my voice in your small little ears you keep going on and I'll be here.. I'm not gone and I'll never be I'm right here my sweet dear sun baby~ her my voice baby don't be scary daddy and mommy will make sure.... There's.. nothing underneath that bed that makes you too afraid to step on the floor, cuz momma and daddy are right by your side you'll never be left alone in.. your.. life~"
I smiled softly tearing up and held Ameer tightly closer... I miss my baby... I want her back... How can I find her.
As I thought about this I could feel Ameer's breath against my neck, right back asleep she slept as quick as my baby did when I sang her that song.. or was it a him... Why am I forgetting my baby the more days go by.. what was my baby's name again? It didn't matter I'll find her sooner or later.

You've Seen Me Once But Will I Stay?Where stories live. Discover now