Chapter 70

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Dinner was definitely a huge affair at Tritwa Shikhar, Shomak noticed. About one kilometer long spreading in the middle of the forest was the designated ground for dinner gatherings.

There were canopies of wild trees illuminated with candles, lamps and, surprisingly, fireflies. The little glowing insects flew all over the place in herds. The amount of food served on the large wooden logs laid across the sides of the feast area could feed half of the state. Shomak did a quick estimation.

Apart from the grand parties thrown during corporate events and launches, the fairs and food festivals, and, of course, weddings, he had hardly seen such a gala spread out for dinner only. 

Though looking delicious and smelling heavenly, he couldn't recognise any of the dishes, rather he could not remember if he had ever seen those dishes before. 

Mostly vegetarian, among the dishes there were options of meat as well. However, it wasn't the regular meat of lamb, goat, or poultry.

"Phor Hong, Bangsha jorbaak and Hring Varkat," Nishi said in one line, pointing at a few of the dishes placed under the non-vegetarian spread. 

To Shomak and Ragnik it seemed Nishi was speaking in an ancient foreign tongue. 

"And what exactly does it mean?" Ragnik asked curiously listening to Nishi.

"A smoked preparation of wild duck, rabbit slow cooked inside bamboos and that's the meat of a wild bird flavoured with asafoetida," Nishi excitedly explained. "Oh! There's more! They cook wild grasses with lentils, imagine how exciting is that and there are vegetables in some sweet gravies and also thick shake-like drinks that feel light when you have it."

She picked up two clay glasses full of a thick purple liquid, "for example, this is Prepril."

"Sounds like a cough syrup!" Shomak scrunched his nose and dared Ragnik to go ahead and try.

"Oh no! Have it and then tell me!" Nishi insisted with a wide smile.

Shomak and Ragnik debated for a moment upon who should try first. After a lot of 'you go first' they both took the glasses and chugged down in one gulp.

They were waiting for a cringe effect keeping their eyes shut but to their surprise they loved it.

"This is indeed light!" Shomak exclaimed, "I have never had something like it."

"Told you!" Nishi wriggled her brows and then pointed towards another wooden log placed at the far end. "You see those peculiar-looking earthen pots? That's alcohol. They call it Mohaam."

The mention of a strong drink instantly returned the glow on their faces. 

"Where's our table?" Ragnik asked with a mischievous grin.

Nishi smacked his head snorting, "There's no separate tables. We have spots!" Nishi held Ragnik's chin and turned his head to his right. 

The Magris were sitting in small circles on the grass and ate on plates made of iron while they gossiped and giggled occasionally stealing a glance at Ragnik, Shomak and Nishi. 

Although the setting was hugely different, Shomak couldn't help but draw similarities between the Magri tradition of eating dinner and devotees at a temple gathered for common luncheons.

"Let's go and find our spot." Nishi guided them through the large spread of food as Shomak and Ragnik realized they were genuinely quite hungry.

"I already feel like a king!" Ragnik commented looking at his plate where Nishi kept on pouring small portions of some of the best recipes according to her research!

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