Chapter 74

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When for the first time Mini stepped into the Kami's tower, she was overwhelmed. She had never been to a place entirely dedicated to navigations, lands and seas, inhabitants and various undiscovered corners of the Earth. 

The training arenas designed for different levels of warriors were enough to entice her mind. She had even done a trial with a fellow Kami; the session was both engaging and encouraging.

However, the charm soon started to wear off. The only thing that kept bothering her was when the long struggle with those filthy skull-men would end. She was tired of being used and judged at every step. Hence, every time she was inside the tower, it didn't make her feel included rather, she had begun to detach herself. 

She took a deep breath and knocked on the central chamber of the tower, which was mostly occupied by Bhavani. Apart from being decorated with several artefacts from all over the world and navigation instruments made of gold and bronze, the chamber was dimly lit with elongated chandeliers hanging from a ceiling of about thirty feet high.

"You wanted to meet me here? Mini asked Bhavani.

Bhavani was inspecting a worn-out map with her magnifying glass. Hearing Mini's voice she lifted her head and kept aside the map and the glass. "Meenakshi, I do not like to spin my words. All I am saying is that you cannot be with him," She stated.


The question startled Bhavani for she wasn't used to being questioned! And here her own daughter was questioning her decision. 

 "I beg your pardon!" she clearly expressed her annoyance at Mini's outrageous manner.

"I asked, why? Why can't I be with him?" Mini raised her voice offending Bhavani even more.

Shomak had followed Mini to the tower of Kami, thankfully he wasn't stopped since Kamis weren't so hostile against Onkhs. And after the warning Aditya had issued a few minutes back, Shomak assumed he would be well-treated, if not completely accepted, by the Magris.

He had come prepared to speak with Bhavani regarding Ragnik in case she was adamant about not listening to Mini's side. He cannot keep watching his friend getting ignored and treated as an outcast by the only person whose approval he was desperately seeking.

Ragnik Sanyal had never ever waited for approvals. He was an out-and-out rebel and people's opinions didn't matter to him. Just like Bhavani, as much as Shomak had come to understand in the past few hours, didn't like to seek approvals either but still, here they were, two similar individuals fighting over one person.

Call him selfish but Shomak didn't like to see his best friend lose. But now when he stood in front of Bhavani's chamber the conversation he was eavesdropping on unintentionally made things clear. 

Ragnik was already winning.

"Because I said so," Bhavani was utterly confused as to why her daughter defied her, "And I –"

"No," Bhavani was surprisingly cut off midsentence by Mini, which was again a shocker. "I would require a very strong reason and do not tell me about Ragnik's silly arishadvargas in sync with Kaanthalis, because it doesn't matter to me."

"I am your mother and I am instructing you!" Bhavani shouted. 

Mini chuckled, "I am guessing you haven't left Tritwa Shikhar in at least twenty years?"

Bhavani frowned. She was even more confused. She couldn't understand her own daughter!

"I grew up among non-tribal people, and in my world children do not always blindly listen to their parents because most often it is seen that although parents do have the best intentions they are not always right!"

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