chapter 7: camp

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y/n pov

we headed in to the forrest for a boot camp, as we hiked through the forrest everyone complained about the heat

Dan: damn y/n... how the hell are you still moving?

shima: yeah... you've got Sophie's pack as well, and you're in all black...

y/n: this is nothing compared to the training i went through when i was 7

Sophie: yeah.... my y/n's a tough cookie

i kept walking and we soon got to a clearing

yukio: we'll set up camp here, boys, set up the tents and get a fire started, girls, go with miss kirikagure and draw a magic circle barrier around the camp, after that, get dinner going, right, lets get to work

bon: he finally took his jacket off...

we started setting up the tents, i got mine set up before i grabbed an axe from my gun locker, i took my shirt off and headed into the forrest to cut down some trees

shima: he's a mysterious guy...

koneko: yeah...

yukio; he's a strong willed soldier, a Mechanic, he's the new head of the union since his father died, he's close to the power of the current paladin...

rin: no way...

bon: damn...

shima: and he's got Sophie... its so unfair!! have you seen how amazing she is!!

Sophie: i can hear you jack ass!!

i rolled my eyes before their voices drowned out, i got to work and felled two trees before removing the branches and the leaves

y/n: rin! bon! come and grab these branches!

they rushed over and grabbed them

rin: are you sure you can get these tree's back?

y/n: light work...

they walked away, i put away the axe and lifted the two trees onto my shoulders, i headed back to camp

shura: damn, he is strong... he's hot too~

Sophie: he's mine!

they started cat fighting as i walked over, i dropped the trees on the floor near the centre of camp before i started chopping the tree into logs, i wiped my forehead as sweated dripped down my neck, i put the axe away and set up the fire, i grabbed a match from yukio and got the fire going, bon and koneko kept it going before trying to move the big logs over, i helped them and soon, rin took over making food, soon enough, a nice meal was made

y/n: damn rin, i forgot how good your cooking was

Sophie: yummy!!

i wolfed the food down and excused myself, i headed to my tent and layed down, i took a deep breath and relaxed

y/n: finally...

i heard some noise and saw someone outside my tent, then the zip was opened and in waltzed Sophie

Sophie: hey honey

y/n: hey

she layed down beside me and cuddled me

Sophie: i love you

y/n: i love you too

she smiled and pushed her cheek against mine, i groaned but smiled before we started kissing, we didn't get very far because

shura: y/n! Sophie! get your butts out here!

we pulled back and i rolled my eyes before we laughed and got up, we left the tent and met up with everyone

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