chapter 8: kyoto

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y/n pov

i was told that the left eye of the impure king was stolen, yukio filled me in on who stole it while shura instructed me to head to Kyoto alongside the rest of the exwire's as i was riding my bike i saw the bullet train going along the tracks

shura: oh look, its y/n

a few of the students looked over, i gave them a two finger salute before going full throttle and heading towards Kyoto, i sped past the train and got into Kyoto before everyone else, i was told to head to the suguro residence i parked my bike outside and knocked on the door

y/n: hello, my name is y/n Lawson from true cross academy, i was instructed to head here and assist the wounded

torako: oh, its nice to finally meet the last Lawson, how is the Mechanic union?

y/n: its doing okay, we've had a few hiccups here and there but i'm currently in the process of moving our building to true cross academy, now, i'm here to assist in anyway i can

torako: yes of course, i would like you to head to the deep keep, check on the defence down there and see how we can improve, seeing as you are the highest ranking dragoon in the order, it seems appropriate

i nodded and headed in, i checked the defences, a few hours later i got a message off Dan

Dan: *there's a situation up here!*

i rolled my eyes and excused myself before i headed up to the inn, i saw some people fighting so i headed in


they all turned to face me

y/n: as bon said! we have the enemy at our door! stop this useless squabbling! exorcists fight alongside one another! not alone! now stop fighting and make up before i knock your heads together!

mamushi: shut up! you child! don't you dare talk down to me! or else!

y/n: you'd never land a hit on me

Juzo: mamushi I'd listen to him if i were you, he's the last Lawson...

Mamushi: the mechanic?

i held a glare before i turned around and walked out, a few hours passed and we were told to take dinners to the field office, i headed there and sat down opposite shura, Sophie sitting down next to me alongside Dan, i started eating my dinner, rin, shima, koneko and bon headed out

y/n: i can take bon to his father if you want shura

shura: na, its late, let him go to bed

i nodded and started eating, i reached into my bag but noticed

y/n: shura where's my drinks?

Shura: i don't know~ its good shit tho

y/n: give it...

she handed me my whiskey

Dan: oh thats that good shit! gimme!

Sophie: me too!

y/n: no, you two don't have the same tolerance as me, i can't have you two being erratic and hung over...

they sulked as i took the cork out the bottle and took a swig, we finished our food and then headed out, they headed to bed while i headed up the mountain, i looked up at the moon and sat down on a rock

y/n: peace... a rarity in our world huh dad...

i began to meditate, to try and get a grip on my new flames, the following morning i headed back down into the inn and got some breakfast

Sophie: where did you run off to?

y/n: up the mountain... i needed some peace...

Dan: get a look at okumura... he's hungover...

i smirked and walked over to rin and slapped a hand on his shoulder

y/n: so, how does that hang over feel?

rin: hmmmmm.

i smirked, soon enough, shima walked over, after him, his brother showed up

Juzo: Mr Lawson... i'm sorry about yesterday...

y/n: no worries Juzo, everything's sorted

Juzo: thank you

y/n: and call me y/n

he nodded and we started eating, i finished my food and headed out, i heard koneko running after me

koneko: y/n!

y/n: oh, koneko, whats up?

koneko: how can you be friends with okumura still?!

y/n: huh?

koneko: you know what he is, you've known longer than we have! so! how?!

y/n: you need to calm down, you're taking this too seriously, don't you remember how you and him were friends, he's a good guy, he didn't wish to be born as the son of Satan, and he isn't going to hurt anyone... i'm making sure of that, so, cut him some slack, and cut yourself some slack, you have no need to worry alright

he looked at me shocked as i walked away, i headed back into the deep keep and started setting up both magical barriers and sentry turrets, i finished the magic circle and activated it, causing it to seep into the ground

y/n: that will help, only a certain few people can cross that without deactivating it

the temple guards nodded

y/n: i'm calling reinforcements

i called the union

y/n: boss, i need a favour, send jack, zack, Dylan and Archie, we need more security at Kyoto

boss: understood, I'll send them round

i thanked him and put the phone down, i headed out and up to the field office to speak with shura

y/n: I've bulked up the defences in the keep, there's a barrier that only me, you and master tatsuma can cross

shura: good work

y/n: i'm called the union to assist, the boss is sending a few of my associates to help

shura: i'm proud of you y/n, your parents would be proud, we just need to keep this eye safe, but you, i want you to track down and kill toto

i looked at her confused

shura: you're the only one i can trust to end that bastards life, we've got suspicions that he's coming to Kyoto, track him, I've gotta go help rin with his flames

i nodded and headed out, i grabbed my bike helmet and got to my bike, i rode it to the top of the mountain and sent out a tracker drone, i pulled out my sniper rifle and looked around, deep into the city, nothing...

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