chapter 10: recovery

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following the defeat of the impure king, rin okumura was sentenced to death for an outburst which resulted in assault against ryuji suguro, breaking the rules of his pardon by the Grigori, as for y/n Lawson, after his battle against the impure king alongside bon and rin, his body had lost too much blood causing him to pass out and fall off the mountainside where the battle was fought, his body was recovered and rushed to the nearest hospital, he had survived, but not without injury, he awoke a few weeks later, he was transported back to true cross academy where his classmates welcomed him back, despite being in a wheelchair, y/n still attended the cram school, a few days after he was out of the chair and moving around like he hadn't fallen nearly 100 meters onto solid rock, the Mechanic's union HQ was moved into true cross city, near the academy campus, y/n put in a request to have a workshop built due to the academy staff wanting their vehicles fixed, due to the lack of any Mechanic shop, Mephisto relented and built y/n a 10 car workshop, fitted with everything he would need, including a break room, staff room and even a locker room for y/n to move his gun locker into, y/n thanked Mephisto by fixing his white limo, y/n even started letting students work there during weekends and holidays, instead of paying them, Mephisto added in a reward system of sorts, so by working for y/n, people would be given vouchers to get food, drinks, pencils, pens and a few more items, y/n was inundated with requests to work there, y/n only allowed 9 people to work in the workshop at any one time due to him working on his project car, he even had two students working in the office sorting out invoices and booking in work, it was a good business, however, school must go on, even for y/n even if he's only in cram school, plus, a few students started getting Motorcycles so those needed fixing as well, but right now

y/n: FUCK SAKE!!!

Sophie and Dan walked into the new workshop, seeing y/n throwing spanners around in a fit of rage

Sophie: awww~ is someone getting all worked up~

y/n scowled as he leaned over to look at Sophie, seeing her smirk he leaned back and kept working on the god forsaken limo

y/n: i swear its like god knows this is Mephisto's car and is punishing me for fixing it!

Dan: who knows, maybe he is

Sophie: here

she handed y/n a cup of coffee

y/n: aren't you guys supposed to be in class?

Sophie: its lunch time, in fact~

she turned to the door and revealed the rest of the class walking into the workshop

shima: hey y/n

y/n: ugh.. its my worst nightmare...

shima: hey!

everyone chuckled as shima scowled at y/n, while the latter just kept working on the limo

y/n: seeing as you're all here, come and give me a hand getting this gearbox out

shima, bon, Dan and rin walked over and helped y/n man handle the gearbox out of the limo, placing it on the work bench and letting out a satisfied sigh, y/n thanked them, thats when everyone finally got a good look at y/n

kamaki: you're filthy!

y/n was covered in dirt, grease, sweat, oil and a little bit of blood

shiemi: and you wore white...

y/n: hey its only a white top

he let a grin creep onto his face

koneko: he smiled!

bon: its a sign of the end times...

that grin quickly turned into a scowl

y/n: I'll show you the end times you little! come here!

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