Ch 7 (Kendo's Parents)

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Izuku and Kendo ended up talking about what their pastimes were. It turns out that Itsuka was a big fan of motorcycles and vintage vehicles. Izuku didn't personally see the appeal, but he understood some people really valued the stuff from an era passed. The two didn't share too many interests, but the big one they shared was training. Both of them quieted down as the door was swung open by a large, muscular, seven foot tall man. He had orange hair with pure white eyes. The attire of choice for this man was a black gi and sweatpants. That was it, there was no shoes, no shirt, no socks, nothing. This was Yoshitake Kendo, Itsuka's father. He didn't have anything that gave away his quirk since his muscles were from constant training, something Izuku respects. The man's head was then chopped by a lady standing no more than four feet high. How her hand reached that high was her elongating her arm. The woman had orange hair as well, but also had Kendo's teal eyes. Her attire was a simple white kimono, a flower pin in her hair, and two wooden geta sandals on her feet. This was Waka Kendo, Itsuka's mother. It seems like these two really like to play on the concept of duality. This was further proven by their stances upon sitting down. The man was ready to get up at a moments notice, almost jittering in his seat. The woman, on the other hand, was very calm and stoic. The man then hurriedly asked a question.

Yoshitake: "Hey, you wanna fight kid?"

Itsuka facepalmed before turning to Waka.

Itsuka: "He jumped the gun again?"

Her mother simply nodded as Yoshitake looked on in confusion. Waka sighed at her husband's antics before explaining everything.

Waka: "Your father was training and didn't want to be disturbed. I was in the same room as him when I played that video Nezu sent us. He sensed the aura through the video and became very excited when he learned we had to visit."

Oh, so they had a parent that didn't even know the situation at all, combined with a parent who knew everything. The duality is strong with these two. Yoshitake then rubbed the back of his head before addressing his wife.

Yoshitake: "Sorry babe, but you know how my quirk reacts to strength."

Now this really interested Izuku as he might need this information. If his kid had the same tendencies he needed to be knowledgeable.

Izuku: "Excuse me sir, I'm Izuku Midoriya by the way, but what is your quirk?"

Yoshitake puffed out his chest as he triumphantly smiled.

Yoshitake: "My quirk's called Battle Hungry, it allows me to sense when a strong opponent is around."

Even in the short time Itsuka actually talked to Izuku, she knew how much he liked quirks. Deciding they didn't have time for a tangent, she stepped in.

Itsuka: "How about we get back on task?"

While it read as a question it was definitely meant as a statement. Izuku apologized before he focused again. Waka tapped her husband's shoulder and he then read the information she pulled up on his phone. His eyes widened as he looked at Itsuka, then to Izuku, then back to Itsuka. It seemed like he was completely shell-shocked, which honestly scared Izuku a little. It was then that he started to pump his fists into the air and scream excitedly. Izuku looked at Itsuka while she looked away embarrassed. It wasn't until Waka grabbed her husband's ear and pulled that the man calmed down. She turned towards the two before sighing.

Waka: "I apologize for my husband's reaction, he always wanted a grand baby but was extremely picky about our little girl's partner. He wanted someone strong, yet kind. He wanted someone sensitive, yet protective. Adding that to the fact  Itsuka never really cared for relationships meant that nobody even stood a chance. Knowing how your actively taking on being a singular father to eleven children that you didn't ask for made him see your mental strength and determination. In short, you check all his boxes."

Yoshitake smiled wide and gave the two a thumbs up in approval. As the man started daydreaming about teaching his grand child martial arts, Waka was staring down Izuku.

Waka: "I do want to make something known however. If you dare harm my little angel in any way then I'll personally snap your neck myself. The pits of hell will await your pitiful soul in order to inflict eternal torment once you harm my little angel. Have I made myself clear?"

Izuku very quickly nodded his head while finally understanding that oh-so-famous quote. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. Still a pretty big point for the duality idea, but they do say opposites attract. Itsuka then put her hand in front of Izuku and blocked him from Waka's view. He turned to the girl and frantically thanked her. Itsuka then looked towards her mom.

Itsuka: "Look, there's still a very small chance I'm not pregnant. In the event I'm not this'll only be temporary. Don't go scaring him off if we aren't even sure I'm pregnant."

What she got in return was a scoff from her mother.

Waka: "Did you forget that I wore the same look. I can see it in your eyes that you want to be pregnant. You're hoping this all plays out well so you can get together with him. I've been there before when you were born Itsuka, I know a hopeful woman when I see one."

Izuku shuffled away from the increasingly dangerous conversation and was then staring down Yoshitake. The man took the time to look at Izuku before he smirked.

Yoshitake: "So, wanna arm wrestle."

Considering the other option was staring death in the face, this seemed pretty nice. Izuku smirked right back and went to eight percent One For All.

Izuku: "Only if you're ready."

The two sat their elbows on the table and started to arm wrestle back and forth, it was intense as the two were smiling during the process. Their fun did end though since the two women present each grabbed their ears. Waka grabbing onto Yoshitake's, and Itsuka grabbing onto Izuku's. The two men were then swiftly reminded that there were other meetings. Itsuka got up to lead her parents into the watch room while Yui sat down next to Izuku. Deciding to spark a small conversation, Izuku asked Yui about her ambition.

Characters Introduced:

Yoshitake Kendo-Quirk: Battle Hungry

Waka Kendo-Quirk: Unnamed (I was thinking something like Elastic or Extend-o-Arm, but I personally think it's a little boring.)

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