Ch 10 (The Tricky Tokages)

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Izuku changed into casual clothing along with the girls, they'd been in their uniforms for formality's sake. He sat on the couch and was greeted by a lot of body parts suddenly reassembling next to him. Setsuna had a nervous expression on her face, the reason being that her parents were apparently very strict. Izuku smiled at her before telling her something.

Izuku: "Don't worry about it, I'll take the blame if I have to."

The girl quickly shook her head and threw up her hands.

Setsuna: "Don't do that!"

It wasn't too much longer that Setsuna's family walked in. Izuku could now really understand where Setsuna's dinosaur appreciation came from. Considering her dad, Arao Tokage, was a bipedal iguana. He wore a simple white tee and a set of blue jeans with black Air Force ones. Truth be told, that was a little strange to see. Her mother, Kesen Tokage, didn't have any kind of obvious give away for her quirk, but she did have knee-length, green hair and purple eyes. She also appeared to have a darker skin tone. It was impossible to tell what she was without asking but to ask would be strange. She wore a purple crop-top and black sweatpants with purple sandals. Then there was another man with them that appeared to be in his late twenties. This was Setsuna's older brother, Chinna Tokage. He had a crest on his head, but nothing aside from that. He wore a black tee that had Egdeshot on the front, ripped blue jeans, and black slides. He had black hair and purple eyes, kind of like Midnight on TV. The cameras don't really convey her purple hair too well. Izuku was about to introduce himself when Arao started to hum at him. Izuku looked at Setsuna and she simply shrugged her shoulders. Apparently she hasn't seen this either. Arao continued to hum until all of the family sat down. Once he stopped, he looked Izuku in the eyes.

Arao: "You're acceptable."

Ok, well that was strange. Surprisingly, it was actually Setsuna who was the most angry.

Setsuna: "Last time I tried to bring a guy home you grilled him until he was charred! What happened this time! I didn't even get the chance to defend big green!"

Her brother remained silent and simply scooted further away from Izuku. That's when a thought came to Izuku's mind that Arao confirmed.

Arao: "He has an energy that makes others run in fear or tremble. His protection will be near impenetrable. I want you safe, which is why I'll accept him."

Kesen stuck her hand out as Izuku felt a pressure on his throat. He didn't really care since he's experienced it a lot growing up, but it did suggest some form of telekinesis. While the lady seemed somewhat surprised about Izuku's casual nature, she still said what she wanted to.

Kesen: "My daughter is strong and capable, but the instant you neglect her in any way will be your final breath."

Izuku simply nodded as Setsuna noticed how casually he accepted the choking. That was something she decided to ask about.

Setsuna: "Hey big green, I noticed you didn't react when mom started to choke you. Speaking of which, fuck you mom, but can I ask you why?"

Seeing no reason to lie, he simply stated the truth. Well, mostly the truth.

Izuku: "One of my classmates had a similar quirk in middle school. Not to mention I'm naturally resistant to telekinesis because of my quirk."

It was actually due to the body enhancement of One For All, but they didn't need to know that. Setsuna raised her brow before thinking.

Setsuna: "What even were your parents quirks?"

Finally, time for some pre-planned bullshit.

Izuku: "My mother's quirk is Limited Telekinesis, it only works on small objects and doesn't work very fast. My father's quirk is Fire Breath, which takes air from his lungs and ignites it at the end of the throat. My quirk is a severe mutation of their combined quirks since it internalizes psychic energy in order to enhance my body. I guess you could technically call it energy manipulation but it's only internal to my knowledge."

Setsuna was kind of surprised before she smiled wide.

Setsuna: "I get that, I'm the perfect combo of my parent's quirks after all. The ability to separate myself coming from dad's tail separation, and my control over the pieces coming from mom's telekinesis."

Chinna scowled before looking directly at Setsuna.

Chinna: "Sure you are, that's why your quirk's more from mom's side. Ain't that right perfect mix?"

It seems Setsuna didn't like the nickname. She quickly threw both her arms into her her brother's face and knocked him out. Well, that's not something Izuku hopes to experience. She kept slamming her hands onto the boy's face before Izuku put a hand on her shoulder.

Izuku: "I think you got him."

The girl finally came out of her blind rage with a blush. Setsuna retracted her arms back before coughing into her fist.

Setsuna: "I think we have some time to talk, so, who wants to start?"

Izuku shrugged before asking Setsuna a question this time.

Izuku: "You seemed pretty mad when he called you perfect mix, any reason other than sibling rivalry?"

A scowl flashed across Setsuna's face before it turned to pure anger.

Setsuna: "I was always called perfect mix in middle school, but not because of my quirk. It was because I didn't like the school uniform and often altered it. The mix part came in when a girl said I talked and walked like a slut."

The room suddenly lowered in temperature as Arao and Kesen looked towards Izuku. Said boy now had his eyes shadowed by his hair, though looking close enough revealed a death glare towards Chinna. His quirk also sparked up a little. Setsuna put a hand on Izuku's shoulder before smirking.

Setsuna: "I think you got him."

Much like Setsuna prior, Izuku started to stutter and blush at the call back. The two parents shared a look as Arao nodded his head.

Arao: "Acceptable."

Setsuna quickly got up after a hearty laugh and lead her parents towards the watch room, Arao carrying Chinna. Izuku had just managed to calm down when Pony sat next to him and kicked her legs at a happy pace.

Characters Introduced:

Arao Tokage-Quirk: Unnamed (I mean, he's literally an Iguana. Not much else to it. Iguana's can freely detach and regrow their tails.)

Kesen Tokage-Quirk: Unnamed (Her quirk is telekinesis, just telekinesis. Nothing really special)

Chinna Tokage-Quirk: Unknown (I made him able to telepathically talk to lizards via his head crest.)

Characters Mentioned:

Inko Midoriya-Quirk: Limited Telekinesis

Hisashi Midoriya-Quirk: Fire Breath

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