Ch 21 (Tweaked Training)

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Izuku: "Huh, mom usually doesn't shop around this time?"

The girls looked at Izuku with shock as they realized Izuku really didn't know about his mother's protective side.

Momo: "She probably has something to do later on, it's best to leave it alone for now."

Kendo: "Today's also when we resume training, so prepare for that."

A sudden hum crossed the room as Ochako put a finger to her chin.

Ochako: "Didn't Aizawa-sensei mention that today was a joint training between classes?"

Everyone looked at each other before Setsuna threw her hands in the air.

Setsuna: "Fuck yeah! Girls day!"

She received a nod from Mei.

Mei: "I'll probably join you girls since I'm still prohibited from building anything."

Sensing he was being left out, Izuku went to double check he had everything he needed for training. Flexible attire, check. Pre-workout stretch, easy to do. Emergency protein bar for if Kirishima screams he needs fuel, check. Denki's one functional braincell given to Izuku for safe keeping, check. Deletion of India, yet to be finished. The telemarketers are starting to track his movements. His hero suit, check. Then finally, his iconic red shoes. With everything ready, Izuku came back towards the entrance of the room and heard the girls shouting at each other.

Ochako: "Monopoly is a scam made to waste poor people's time so they can't become rich!"

Tsuyu: *kero* "Oh come on, lay off the podcasts!"

Ochako: "Yaomomo, you're rich, you haft to have inside knowledge!"

Momo: "First off, Monopoly is an American game produced by HasB-O, my Japanese ex-family works in car manufacturing. Secondly, just because I have money doesn't mean I know the industry information on a board game."

Itsuka: "Damn girl, you're really not a fan of stereotypes."

Momo: "They just seem cliche, I mean, at least make it original. "Cow tits" and "Miss Millions" can get old."

It was at that point Izuku decided to walk into the room, the first thing he noticed was that Jirou and Ochako changed outfits. All talking came to a halt before Ochako slapped Momo in the face with a piece of Monopoly money.

Ochako: "Keep the change, you filthy animal."

Pony: "Gurl..."

Ochako: "Shit, sorry!"

Turns out the Monopoly talk was because they were actually playing the game. Setsuna separated her body, but it was noticeable that her stomach and pelvic area didn't seem capable of separating. Anyway, the pieces of Setsuna lifted the game into the air in a way that ensured it didn't fall over or mess anything up. It was really impressive actually.

Jirou: "Damn, I didn't know you could do that."

Setsuna: "It becomes a lot easier when family game nights are a thing."

Itsuka: "Well, now that we're all here, to Ground Gamma!"

The walk was, actually quite nice. Izuku started a conversation with Yui and Reiko while on his way to the site.

Izuku: "Yui, Reiko, can I ask you a question?"

Yui: "Yes."

Reiko: "Sure."

Izuku: "Have you ever wondered about the future? Like, do you ever envision what you strive to be?"

Reiko: "All the time."

Yui: "Not until recently."

Izuku & Reiko: "Hmm?"

Yui: "I just kind of let whatever happens happen, or I used to at least. After I learned about this experience, learned who you were, it just changed. When you were interacting with my sister, I couldn't help but imagine what it would be like if it was our child instead."

Talk about deep. Then again, the question was kind of leading to this. Though this answer caused Izuku to get tears in his eyes. In a swift movement, Kodai was wrapped in a hug. Her cheeks held a light blush as she smiled slightly. A sudden click then rang through the air as Reiko took a picture.

Reiko: "This scrapbook will be great."

Izuku: "Scrapbook?"

Reiko: "Yeah, I also made a change after I registered everything. I decided I'll try to be a little more social, but the biggest thing is that I want to show these kids that their parents loved them. Show them that we truly loved them wholeheartedly and not because they were our responsibility."

The floodgate released as Izuku started to cry tears of joy. A little while after Izuku stopped crying, they were with the rest at Ground Gamma. Shota Aizawa started off this explanation.

Aizawa: "We were originally gonna have you kids in teams of four to fight each other, class VS class, but some complications came up and now we're here. So instead, you'll be randomly paired in a one-v-one through lots. The red ball is the offense, meaning they have to find and safely subdue the target. If they subdue the target within the time limit, they win. The blue ball is the defense, meaning they're the one running. They also get a head start so that the offense has to find them. If the defense isn't caught before the timer runs out, they win. Simple, yet effective."

The lots were rolled while all the girls in the experiment were left out. There's probably some kind of safety policy for pregnant woman. Izuku ended up on defense, with Bakugo on offense. Great, just what he needed. A few matches happened before them. Notably, Kojiro Bondo and Mina Ashido. Mina's acid could burn Kojiro's glue away, making it an awfully one-sided battle. That didn't stop Bondo from making it difficult for Mina to traverse though. Then, it was Izuku's turn. He took notice of Bakugo stretching as a workout, something Izuku did the match before his own. Izuku was let in the city ten seconds before as a head-start. When Izuku was in the city he powered up One For All and Aizawa said start. Izuku started to use what he learned from Gran Torino to build momentum and move faster. It was a decent time frame of inactivity since Izuku never encountered Bakugo. Izuku could hear the timer beeping, a minute warning. It seems Bakugo got desperate since he started to let loose random explosions that gave away his location. The clock now started to click for each second, ten seconds left. Izuku was about to win when a stabbing pain told the protagonist to jump high. Deciding to listen, Izuku mostly avoided a giant beam of heat fired from Bakugo's gauntlets. He was still hit by the debris of shattered buildings but it wouldn't leave a scar. When Izuku landed, he heard Aizawa's voice over the speakers.

Aizawa: "Training is canceled from here on out. Katsuki Bakugo, principal's office now!"

Characters Introduced:

Shota Aizawa/Eraserhead-Quirk: Erasure

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