Ch 9 (Ibara's Father)

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The entire time waiting was spent comforting Ibara. Her religious beliefs might've been one reason for her behavior, but feelings like this don't just happen for a singular reason. It was around ten minutes of Ibara simply sitting still, almost like she was scared to move. That only ended once the door opened to reveal an old man who's likely in his later years by appearance alone. This man was alone with two katanas placed on his hips, one on each side. Normally, Izuku wouldn't find this strange considering he had one parent. What did throw Izuku off was the apparent age of this man. His white hair was pulled into a man bun as his jade eyes and glasses scanned the room. He had a full three piece suit and dress shoes, pretty much Sunday best attire. That's when it clicked for Izuku, this wasn't Ibara's father, it was her "father". The priest can also be referred to as father when in church. He noticed the girl beside him tense up so he continued rubbing circles into her back. Seeing as Ibara wouldn't speak, Izuku had to.

Izuku: "Hello sir, I'm Izuku Midoriya. I assume you were informed on the situation."

The man simply nodded before taking a seat. Izuku took notice of the fact he kept his blades at an easy to access reach. Ibara finally started to speak but it was too quiet to hear. Tears were welling in her eyes while the man simply sat still. The environment wasn't something Izuku liked but he wouldn't jump to conclusions yet. Ibara broke into full crying as Izuku mimicked Jirou again in order to hug Ibara. The girl cried into his chest while wailing out her words.

Ibara: "I'm so sorry father! I didn't mean for this to happen, it wasn't even my fault! I'm sorry for my sins, I swear I'll repent soon!"

Izuku continued to be a support for Ibara since she was most likely carrying his child. The man in front of him appeared to be sad as well, likely due to Ibara's state. For the first time, the man spoke up.

Father: "Ibara dear, you didn't commit any sin. The situation your in is strikingly similar to the Virgin Mary. If anything, you've only become more divine."

While Izuku was surprised at the man's calm voice, he was very thankful the man didn't pressure Ibara. Speaking of whom, she was starting to cry harder into Izuku's chest while addressing the man.

Ibara: "I'm not, I'm not, I wasn't even wanted at all!"

A picture started to form in Izuku's mind, one he really didn't like. The man took notice of Izuku's thinking face before suddenly focusing on Ibara. Izuku also looked at her quickly since she stopped crying. What actually happened was that she passed out. This was likely due to her not showing emotions as often coupled with stress and anxiety. Since Izuku was still supporting her, he decided to let her stay put as he addressed the man in front of him.

Izuku: "Am I right in assuming she's an orphan."

He received a nod in return that made his face sour. He turned to Ibara before sweeping a vine off her face, his own face becoming sorrowful. Maybe the two had more in common than he initially thought. Izuku turned his attention back to the man before asking an important question.

Izuku: "Would you mind telling me her story, Sir?"

The man chuckled a little before nodding.

Father: "My name's Ken'Yuu Sasaki, but please refer to me as Father Sasaki. As for your question, yes, I can tell you. I can see in your eyes that you've dealt with anguish as well and feel compassion for my daughter. Adding all that onto your actions here paint a vibrant picture, so I'll pay you with a story. It all started about sixteen years ago. Ibara's mother was a regular at our church, a lady well known for being caring to anyone and everyone. Her father visited the church occasionally, never really paying attention. Neither of them had any mutations. Her mother could promote plant growth while her father could turn his hair into rope, an Emitter and Transformation type respectively. We knew they were expecting, but we weren't prepared for what happened. I showed up early one Sunday in order to practice my sermon, it was then that I heard crying. That was when I found Ibara, my daughter, on the side of the stairs. She was in a woven basket with wet blankets covering her. I never figured out if it was rain water or body fluids dampening her blankets. The handle of the basket had a note attached. I can't remember it word for word as I destroyed it shortly after reading it, but the note was about her birth parent's reason for abandoning her. Her quirk was present immediately upon birth. It turned out that her parents were raised in an environment that was hateful towards mutant quirks. After that day she was adopted by the church, but I raised her. Her true name is Ibara Shiozaki-Sasaki. She decided to keep her parents name as it reminded her about her origins."

Izuku unconsciously grit his teeth before calming down. He had something more important to discuss.

Izuku: "I assume that you wish for me to marry Ibara because of your religion, am I right."

The priest nodded his head before Izuku immediately responded to that.

Izuku: "I'd be happy to. If I can get rid of her birth parent's name and replace it with something better, than I will."

Ken'Yuu smiled before scowling and shaking his head.

Father Sasaki: "I'm fine with that, but I have some things I wish to add."

He had Izuku's full attention and continued his statement.

Father Sasaki: "I wish for the wedding to be two weeks from now, I want you to puncture her hymen after the marriage so she's healed before child birth, and I don't want you to marry other women within my church despite your situation."

Izuku nodded at the man before replying.

Izuku: "I'll have to ask Ibara about the first two, but the last one's fine by me."

Father Sasaki was satisfied and stood up.

Father Sasaki: "I appreciate you stepping up, but I have to return to the church. Now understand that if I hear word of you harming my daughter, I'll have a murder confession to tell god."

With that chilling sentence, the man left. Ibara was still passed out as Ochako and Tsuyu came down. The two worked together in order to move her. While Tsuyu was pulling a weightless Ibara with her tongue, Ochako addressed Izuku.

Ochako: "Go ahead and change your clothes, it's Tokage's parents next."

Characters Introduced:

Father Ken'Yuu Sasaki-Quirk: Unknown (He's a reference to Kojiro Sasaki from Record of Ragnarok, but I also added some elements of the thin and bald Gorosei in One Piece. I wanted his quirk to either induce fear or create illusions, but it didn't make sense to write it in.)

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