Ch 25 (Guy's Night?)

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We can now see Izuku walking the halls of the 1A dormitory while muttering to himself.

Izuku: "Who would I even ask? Where would we even go? How could I, of all people, possibly plan a guy's night?!"

It was then that a voice appeared behind Izuku while an arm was draped over the back of his neck.

Sero: "So, I hear you're planning a guy's night?"

Izuku quickly turned around and jumped out of Sero's grip as said boy shot him finger guns.

Sero: "I'm chill, Jirou told me what you were planning. Kind of surprised you wanted to do this though."

Huh, guess he was still getting help from his, actually, what should Izuku call them? One was his fiancé, two were his girlfriends, and the rest were unsorted but faithful? He really needed to think about this more afterwards. Anyway, he decided to trust Sero.

Izuku: "Umm, yeah, I am planning a guy's night. I don't know how to do it though."

A clap came from Sero as he started to shuffle his feet slightly.

Sero: "No hay problema mi amigo, I've planned plenty of guy's nights. First things first, the location."

Okay, what would the location be. Izuku started to rub his chin while in deep thought. A beach would be really weird during the night. They didn't exactly have the ability to go to any clubs due to UA's restrictions. They really couldn't just walk around or it'd be boring. Then, it finally clicked for Izuku.

Izuku: "We could all go bowling. It's kind of average, but it isn't really supposed to be anything fancy."

He received a nod from Sero while the tape wielder smiled.

Sero: "Good, now that we know the location, which I'm assuming is Kakashi's Bowling and Arcade since it's the closest to UA, we now need a group. If you don't mind, could I come with Kirishima, Kaminari, and Tetsutetsu?"

Those three were all pretty calm minded in Izuku's opinion, so why not?

Izuku: "They can come, also, I think we can leave around six. We still have to be back before curfew after all."

A quick nod came from Sero as he started to walk away.

Sero: "Go get your group, I'll let my crowd know."

With that, Izuku was left alone again. Thankfully, the people he wanted to talk to were a text away. After sending a message for his friends to meet up in the common room, as well as one explaining why, Izuku went to the common room himself. On the couch was Jurota Shishida, Koji Koda, and Mezo Shoji. Izuku never talked with Jurota but he seemed nice. Thinking about what his assorted female friends said got him to do something he never thought he would.

Izuku: "Hey, can I ask you three something?"

The trio looked at Izuku before Shoji answered with a mouth from his tentacle.

Shoji: "Sure."

Steeling his nerves, Izuku decided to get it over with.

Izuku: "I'm planning a guy's night at about six and wanted to know if you'd like to go? It'll just be bowling and the arcade, nothing fancy."

The three began to converse, well, two did since Koda didn't like to talk. In the end, Koda gave a thumbs-up while the other two agreed to go. It was then that Todoroki, Iida, Tokoyami, and Ojiro came into the common room as well. Izuku already explained the situation to them over text because he knew they'd probably be willing to go. With this small little group assembled, Izuku decided to speak again.

Izuku: "I don't really expect you to have anything fancy on, so I guess just do what you want until it's time to leave."

A chorus of agreement rang out as Izuku went back into Momo's room. He saw the girls all waiting around the room in various positions. They all mostly appeared too occupied with planning their sleepover. Pony was also in the room at this point, which was kind of curious since Izuku hadn't seen her enter the dormitory. Then again, he was pretty preoccupied. Jirou was the odd-one-out and simply lying on the bed while twirling her phone like a basketball. Izuku laid down next to her as she laid her head onto his chest.

Izuku: "I appreciate the help."

He received a chuckle from the rockstar as an earphone jack wrapped itself around his finger. Jirou's phone then fell onto the mattress.

Jirou: "I knew you'd start to overthink, it's one of your quirks."

Someone then laid on the opposite side of Izuku, it was Kendo. She started to just stare up at the celling before sighing. Much like Jirou, Kendo then intertwined her hand with Izuku's. It was impossible to mistake the crimson blush that coated her face.

Kendo: "Sorry if I'm interrupting a moment, I just don't like planning parties."

Jirou then completely shifted to where she was horizontal across Izuku's chest. She was now laying over both Izuku and Kendo backside down.

Jirou: "That makes two of us girl, now quit blushing and start bonding."

The three just kind of laid in that position for a while. They enjoyed each other's presence in a comfortable environment. Izuku could feel Kendo's heartbeat through their connected hands. It was a rhythmical thumping he found soothing, and a part of him wondered if he'd end up feeling a second heartbeat soon. As for Jirou, he could hear her breathing and smell a scent of vanilla. Her body was light, but present. She was like a blanket that never got too hot or cold, it was just right. It was a moment that he wanted to last forever. Although his phone ended up going off. The vibration and ringtone brought all three out of their calmness while the two girls got off of Izuku. Said boy looked at his phone and saw a text from Iida, at 5:59. Realizing the time, Izuku quickly got up and ran into the common room panting. He looked over the group and smiled while Sero's group started to chant guy's night.

Aizawa: "What's this about a guy's night?"

The entire room went silent as they saw Aizawa standing behind Izuku with his arms crossed.

Iida: "Mr. Aizawa, we weren't planning to do anything UA wouldn't agree with."

The teacher then entered a more relaxed pose before smirking.

Aizawa: "I'm not here to shut it down, I'm here to join in."

The two hard-heads smiled at each other before throwing their fists into the air.

Kirishima & Tetsutetsu: "Yeah!"

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