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As I stood there, frozen in place, I watched him walk away, his figure gradually fading into the distance. His words echoed in my mind, replaying over and over again.

The gravity of his words settled heavily on my shoulders. What he referred to as "Holi" wasn't just an ordinary festival, it was a veiled threat, a sinister game played with blood.

The frantic pace of my heartbeat felt as though my heart might burst from my chest.

I understood exactly what he meant. No matter how innocent he tried to seem, his true nature always showed through.

He was a monster, and I knew he wouldn't ever change. Once a monster, always a monster. I had nearly fallen for his false apology, but deep down, I realized it was just another mask hiding his true nature.

I knew he wouldn't stop until he got what he wanted, and what he wanted was me. He desired me for reasons unknown.

I remembered the spot where he had kissed me. As I touched my forehead where his lips had gently grazed, a wave of heat washed over me, leaving me to wonder, "Why me?"

With his striking physique and captivating looks, he could have any woman he desired. So why did he want me?

Was it for revenge? How immense was his ego? There was no way I could ever connect with him or spend my life with that monster.

Never. The thought of spending my life with him was inconceivable.

Shivers ran down my body at the thought of it. Was I truly left with no choice?

It overwhelmed me beyond my capacity to cope. I crumpled to the ground with a heavy thud, tears on the brink of spilling over.

My eyes landed on the apology and heart outline, and my irritation grew.

With a blink of my eye, I destroyed the heart. There's no place for him in my life-never was, and never will be.

It was the morning of the engagement, and my anxiety reached its peak. I yearned to run away, but I felt trapped with no choice but to stay.

I stood before my light pink silk saree spread out on the bed. I couldn't deny its beauty-it was truly stunning.

Too beautiful for me.

And there lay my matching jewelry on the dressing table, but my mind was elsewhere. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, trying to calm my racing thoughts.

I can't do this. I can't get engaged to him. I can't marry him. The thought of spending the rest of my life with him felt suffocating.

I was caught up in my stress when my phone chimed with a notification. Initially, I thought about ignoring it, but my curiosity got the best of me.

Needing a break from my swirling thoughts, I grabbed my phone. Any distraction was a relief. I checked my messages and saw my friends asking about the dress code for the engagement.

"Dress code? My ass" I muttered, tossing my phone onto the bed in annoyance. I flopped onto the ground, then immediately sprang back up with lightning speed to retrieve my phone.

A sudden idea sparked in my brain. I knew what I had to do, despite the risks involved. I swiftly texted my friends, outlining what needed to be done.

My hands were sweaty and trembling with anxiety, but I knew it had to be done.

It was dangerous, and it could cost blood, but I had to try. I felt selfish for doing it, but I saw no other choice.

And I knew what to do if something went wrong.

I turned off my phone and gazed at the saree in front of me. Clenching my hands into fists, I made up my mind.

It's a difficult choice either way, and both options could disrupt my life, but anything is better than spending my life with a selfish monster who cares only about himself.

I stood before the mirror, the delicate folds of the saree draped around me. Despite everything weighing on my mind, I couldn't help but notice how beautiful I looked in the soft hues and elegant fabric. For a fleeting moment, the reflection staring back at me brought a sense of calm amidst the chaos.

The saree wrapped perfectly around my body, its soft, shimmering material gliding over my skin. If only he hadn't sent it, I might have felt happy to wear it.

I went to my dressing table and adorned myself with the beautiful matching jewelry. The matching bangles, jhumkas, and necklace completed the look of a joyful bride-to-be, yet beneath this facade, deep down, I felt anything but joy.

There was nothing to be happy about. How could I find joy in marrying that monster?

I stood before the mirror, studying my reflection with a distant gaze. Absentmindedly, I traced kajal along my eyelids, watching as my eyes took on a darker allure. With a swipe of nude lipstick and a touch of blush, I enhanced my features.

It was supposed to be my engagement day-or was it? As I styled my hair into perfect curls, I couldn't help but wonder why everything seemed so meticulously perfect.

I gazed at myself in the mirror one last time before stepping back to grab my phone.

I hope everything goes according to plan because I can't bear to lose someone because of my own selfishness.

I walked out of my room, and as expected, the house was beautifully decorated. Every corner was adorned with twinkling lights and elegant decorations, creating an atmosphere of celebration and joy.

I made my way downstairs, scanning my surroundings, only to accidentally bump into my mother.

"Oh mere bachche, you look so beautiful today" she cooed, gazing at me with affection, which made me chuckle.

"But it looks like you're heading somewhere. Are you?" she asked, her eyebrows knitting together in concern.

"Oh yes, Ma" I replied, giving her a soft smile. "Agastya informed me that there are some issues with our engagement rings, so we need to go to the jeweler to make corrections."

"Is it something serious?" she questioned, her expression filled with concern.

I shook my head and placed my hand on her shoulder reassuringly.

"No, Mom, it's nothing too serious. I need to go now, Agastya is waiting for me" I said, giving her shoulder a slight squeeze.

"Okay, bye!" I squeaked, then quickly turned and practically ran away before she could respond.

I knew I couldn't prolong the conversation; time was running out. Khalid would be here any second, and I had to avoid him at all costs.

I hurried out of the main door, my heart pounding with urgency, only to find my friend already waiting for me in her car.

I couldn't help but smile, everything was going according to my plan.


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