chapter 23.

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the next day🫧.


after me and bronny fought last night we hadn't seen or talked to each other since.. i texted him but ofc he still in his little boy ways and would rather ignore me than talk it out.

i got no sleep last night , i was up all night crying.. me and bronny never fought .. this was i first big fight & it was eating me alive .

i hate that i broke his trust but i had to.. a real girlfriend wouldn't hide that knowing it's affecting them mentally and physically.

my eyes were sore & puffy.. swollen and the bags were real.. ik i had to put a little makeup on to cover em. fighting with your bf is the last thing anyone wanted. me for sure . me and bronny always been on the same page.

his parents texted me last night with an encouraging message.. i needed it.. they sat down with bronny about it.

"juju you can't be crying over this nigga, you did what was right he just doesn't see that" ken said.

"ik but you don't understand ken, bronny's stubborn okay he would rather handle everything on his on no matter how much weight it hold on him.. i don't regret telling them but i broke his trust" juju said.

"you didn't tho.. bronny doesn't understand where your coming from.. your a good girlfriend your a real girlfriend and he's lucky to have you.. you care about him cus the last one didn't .. he's not use to your love" ken said.

and it made juju realize.. ken's right .. bronny hasn't been loved the right way.. he so use to thinking that carrying everything on his back won't hurt him.. his ex made him think it made him more of a man.

he didn't realize that hannah was wrong.. she was just manipulating him.. and she enjoyed watching his health go down hill.. because she only cared for money & fame.. not bronny.

"look i get why your upset bestie, you don't like fighting or arguing & you don't want bronny to be mad at you.. & that's okay.. just give him some time he will realize & he will understand but for right now just hold your head up high.. as long as your chin up knowing you did what was right then that's all that matters" ken said.

she walked over to juju hugging her because ofc she needed it.. she had been a emotional wreck for hours now. she just wanted bronny to hold her.. juju knew she would have to gain bronny's trust back.

his trust level was already at only 10% & she might have made it go down to 0%. and knowing bronny he keep his guards up .


fighting with juju has been the worst.. basketball don't even matter. the way we screamed at each other .. i don't want that in our relationship.

and me walking out , was wrong but i couldn't stay there any longer.. it was to toxic i felt like i was suffocating .

i walked downstairs from a horrible night of sleep.. all i could think about was juju.. they way i made her feel walking out on her part of me feel guilty but the other part told me to leave before it got worse.

i saw my parents leaned over the counter on their phones but they noticed me as soon as i entered.

"hey son, how'd you sleep ?" lebron said.

"was definitely the worst so not good" bronny said sitting down.

"listen we gotta talk.. about yesterday that whole situation got out of hand and stuff happened that shouldn't have" lebron said.

"dad i-"

"no bronny listen to me" lebron said.

"you should've told me from day one you quit.. you should've told us" he said.

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